Articles by Mark McNeely


Enlist Pollinators, Predator Insects to Help Fight Pests in No-Tilled Crops

‘Extending the bloom’ with buffer zones, cover crops and native prairie grass strips helps nurture the symbiotic relationship between insects, soils and flowering plants.
In an age of surface-applied insecticides and seed treatments, the importance of beneficial insects and natural pollinators to a thriving agricultural ecosystem can easily be overlooked.
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[Podcast] Do You Know Your Spray Nozzle Sweet Spot?

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome veteran application expert and the owner of Wolf Consulting & Research in Mahomet, Ill., Bob Wolf will discuss sprayer nozzle technology advancements over the past 30 years.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., we welcome veteran application expert and the owner of Wolf Consulting & Research in Mahomet, Ill., Bob Wolf will discuss sprayer nozzle technology advancements over the past 30 years.
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Tips for Fighting Prolific Slugs and Protecting Your No-Till Crops

Entomologist Kelley Tilmon says rigorous scouting, earlier planting and use of molluscicide baits can help keep slug populations in check.
Slugs are moist creatures that thrive in moist habitats. They require a certain degree of protection and generally like not being disturbed — all conditions that are, unfortunately, prevalent in no-tilled fields, says Kelley Tilmon.
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In Search of Bountiful Corn Yields with No-Till and Strip Intercropping

On 500 acres, Matt Sheafer’s Indiana farm is a virtual laboratory of experiments with seeding and maturity rates, nutrient management and crop orientations.
Most farmers like to experiment — whether it’s with seed varieties, equipment setups, nutrient management or other variables — but few no-tillers can say that all of their acres are in some form of an experiment during any one growing season.
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Carbonomics: Opening a Carbon Currency Exchange Within a No-Till Soil Ecosystem

Crop diversity and biological activity in a cover-cropped farming system ensures healthy interactions between plants, roots and soil organisms, says Keith Berns.
Likening a healthy, robust industrial economy to the types of biological activities taking place underground in a no-till, cover-cropped farming system isn’t a stretch of the imagination, says Keith Berns.
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