No-Till Farmer News

No-Till Raises Your Environmental Score

The increased use of no-till farming since the 1980s, and the increased use of glyphosate-resistant crops since 1996, has significantly turned farmers into environmentalists. Less soil has eroded, less chemicals have been applied, and less fuel has been used because of significant changes in farming practices.
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Cover Crops Could Replace Applied Nitrogen

Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension research.
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Look At Section, Row Control For Planters

Many farmers are using section controls on field sprayers because of product savings and the ability to avoid doubling up on chemical applications on the overlap areas where diagonal rows meet and at the end of fields.
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No-Till Fields Home For Migrating Birds

Plovers seem to be coexisting well with intensive row-crop farming methods. No-till farming methods seem to benefit the birds most because they leave organic matter on the surface. And no-till benefits farmers, as well, by reducing erosion and protecting the soil.
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Faced With Replant, Consider All Factors

Jeff Housman, Mycogen Seeds customer agronomist, advises growers to consider all factors before deciding to replant to determine whether the yield advantage of a replanted field will offset the added cost and the lower yield potential of the first planting.
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