No-Till Farming 101


In Search of Bountiful Corn Yields with No-Till and Strip Intercropping

On 500 acres, Matt Sheafer’s Indiana farm is a virtual laboratory of experiments with seeding and maturity rates, nutrient management and crop orientations.
Most farmers like to experiment — whether it’s with seed varieties, equipment setups, nutrient management or other variables — but few no-tillers can say that all of their acres are in some form of an experiment during any one growing season.
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Frank Comments

Same Old Conservation Ideas, Just New Words to Describe Them

While there’s increasing emphasis on “sustainable agriculture” and “soil health,” these four buzzwords tend to ruffle the feathers of veteran no-tillers and others like myself who have followed the no-till movement for nearly a half century. It’s because we recognize that earlier generations of no-tillers were the original true innovators behind these “not-so-new” concepts that go back to the 1960s.
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Rethinking ‘Conventional’ Wisdom Leads to Revelations, 100% No-Till

Parking the plow helped John Macauley cut five passes across the field, save on fuel and labor and maintain yields as he builds a more sustainable operation.
Some farmers dive headlong into changing their tillage practices. John Macauley, who farms 1,200 acres with his father, Jim, in Groveland, N.Y., is proof that transitioning to no-till can be done in steps.
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No-Till Operational Benchmark Study

14 Facts About the Top No-Till Yielders

Whether corn or soybeans, these top-third no-till yielders used more inputs, spent more money to get higher yields in 2017, but with mixed bottom lines.
So what are the practices that the top no-till corn and soybean producers use in their operations?
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No-Till Operational Benchmark Study

No-Tillers Keep Their Noses Above Water

From highs to lows, No-Till Farmer readers adjusted to a weakening U.S. ag economy during the last decade by cutting expenses to maintain slim profits.
A lot can happen over 10 years. In the spring of 2008, George W. Bush was the President of the U.S. and the U.S. economy was humming along. It was only several months later that the real estate market and economy collapsed.
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