No-Till Farming 101

Frank Comments

Trading No-Till Ideas

Besides no-tilling 2,500 acres, David and Donald Sutherland custom plant 2,500 acres each year. As a result, the Leroy, Kan., father-and-son team several years ago needed a bigger no-till planter.
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Industry Q&A

Q. “What are the key considerations and changes that would be necessary for you to succeed in a corn-on-corn system?”
What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Rotations, Cover Crops Key To Improved Yields

Visits to leading no-tillers provided revelations and guidance that are still being put to use in long-term no-till fields that get better and better.
The first time i heard about no-tilling was at Kansas State University in 1973. We talked about studies being done in Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri and other places where no-till first took hold. I came home from those discussions and thought about putting no-till to work on our farm, but we faced a tough challenge. Based on KSU’s no-till handbook, our clay soils (shallow topsoil, super-tight subsoil) are classified as “needing special management” for no-till.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Teaching And Studying Bring New Insights Into The New-Till World

Finding how no-tilling and organic agricultural practices can benefit one another is just one area that deserves a closer look.
It's somewhat ironic that trying to farm right out of college during a period of bad flooding in northeastern Saskatchewan led me several years later to cropping systems research in a semi-arid area where I could really use some of that excess water! Along the way, I did graduate studies in forage genetics at the University of Guelph in Ontario and at the University of Minnesota.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After A Simple Start, No-Till Opened Doors Around The World

No-tilling saved our land and put me in touch with like-minded growers around the globe.
Moldboard plowing, lots of secondary tillage and costly, environmentally damaging soil erosion were natural partners on our land in the late 1970s. At that time, I was taking over the family farm located on the Canadian side of Lake Erie, about 60 miles east of Detroit.
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Mark Bauer October 2006 NTF.jpg

Strip-Tiller Designs Heavy-Duty Machine

Mark Bauer says his Soil Warrior works in all soil types while blending nutrients into zones that don’t wash away.
There's a buzz — some of it positive, some not — coming out of southeastern Minnesota about a new strip-tilling machine. The chatter focuses on Mark Bauer’s Soil Warrior, which he says provides an unprecedented balance between conventional tillage and no-till.
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