No-Till Farming 101


No-Till Brings New ‘Shade’ Of Higher Yields, Profitability

Johnny and Brian Moore’s switch to no-till, cover crops and a diverse rotation has stopped erosion, improved organic matter and made their North Carolina farm’s high-clay soils more productive.
Brian Moore stuck a small shovel into the ground, pushed it down with his foot and pulled up a chunk of soil interlaced with roots and decaying plant matter.
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Manure, Crop Diversity Lock Down No-Till Profits

Koepke Farms tweaks its crop rotation, manure management and onfarm research to get the most from its no-till practices.
Even after more than a quarter-century of no-tilling, Koepke Farms continues to fine-tune its practices to keep soil in place, make the most of manure and fertilizer applications and consistently reach 200-bushel corn yields without irrigation.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Constantly Building On No-Till Success

South Dakota farmers Pat and Chris Breen take no-till practices that work a step farther to maximize the benefits.
I've had 25 years to refine my no-till system, but I’m nowhere near settling into a comfortable groove. My philosophy is to keep pushing my system to get more yield, use my inputs more efficiently and make life easier for myself and my son, Chris, who farms with me.
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House Committee Approves 5-Year Farm Bill

The House Agriculture Committee has approved a five-year farm and nutrition bill that gives farmers new ways to protect themselves from bad weather and poor prices and slices about 2 percent off the $80 billion the government spends every year on food stamps.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Isn’t The Goal – It’s Sustainability

Improving the soil resource — even within long-term no-till — is one way Hans Kok believes farmers will hit higher, sustainable yields.
I've spent a good portion of my career helping producers adopt no-till practices through extension, as a Monsanto no-till specialist and, most recently, as a crop consultant.
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