No-Till Farming 101


20 Ways To Build Better No-Till Soils

World-renowned soil scientist and Rhizoterra co-founder Jill Clapperton shares tips and insights about no-tilled soils that could help growers lower their productivity costs and increase yields.
While the purpose behind modern no-tilling can sometimes get lost in the machinations of fertilizers, machines and GPS signals, Jill Clapperton offered as a simple example of how crop residue fuels no-till systems.
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Frank Comments

Why Don’t More Folks No-Till?

In midsummer, retired Ohio State University ag engineer Randall Reeder met with a group of Western Australian no-till farmers that were looking at U.S. agriculture. While touring Dave Brandt’s no-till corn, soybean and cover-crop operation at Carroll, Ohio, and viewing neighboring fields that were still being tilled, there were questions on why more American growers don’t no-till.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

When Wet Or Dry, No-Till Rotations, Covers And Cattle Are The Answer

The Cowans adopted no-till because of drought, but found intense rotations and cover crops helped them deal with today’s excess moisture.
My father, Art, truly stumbled into no-till by pure happenstance. In the early 1980s he decided he needed to get away for a day or two so he took a drive to North Dakota.
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Adding SCO Coverage To Crop Insurance For Wheat

Choosing your crop insurance contract for 2015 just got more complicated with the addition of the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO), a county-level insurance program available through the 2014 farm bill. SCO will be available in select counties this fall for 2015 wheat and in more counties in early 2015 for spring-planted crops. SCO works in conjunction with a producer's individual crop insurance policy and is purchased through a crop insurance agent.
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