Compaction can be present in fields for a number of reasons. Normally it’s created when heavy equipment, wagons, trucks, tankers or spreaders make passes on fields when the soil is too wet to hold them. Even heavy planters, tractors or sprayers can cause compaction.
As you read this edition of E-Tip today, Barack Obama has been re-elected, Republicans still control the U.S. House, and a tough road lies ahead for various conservation programs you've become familiar with.
NRCS soil scientist Ray Archuleta believes promoting healthy no-till soils requires a lot more than just ceasing tillage operations. It means following the lead of nature.
Now more than ever before, no-tillers have the ability to compile mounds and mounds of data. But you may need to be careful about gathering too much rope.
Oklahoma State Rep. Don Armes and NRCS district conservationist J. Kirk Schreiner say the U.S. avoided another Dust Bowl during this year's drought because people today have learned how to be better stewards of the soil.
Farmer/philanthropist Howard Buffett said Tuesday that stronger government action is needed to encourage farmers into compliance with better fertilizer, tillage and other conservation and environmental practices.
Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief Dave White today visited a family-owned farm in Ohio to announce the start of a USDA effort meant to highlight the benefits of improving and maintaining America's soil.
Source: By: Paul Jasa, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Engineer
With this years drought conditions there is less residue than normal in many fields. In some, the crop was harvested as a forage or cut as silage, leaving very little residue at all. Without residue to absorb the energy of raindrop impact and keep the wind off the soil surface, soil erosion will be greater and surface crusting could be a problem. Also, without the water-conserving residue mulch, soil moisture losses by evaporation will be much higher.
Just when you thought scorching droughts were becoming the “new normal” in agriculture, a weather-research firm told the farm media at last week’s Farm Progress Show that 2013 will likely be nothing like 2012.
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During the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Minneapolis, Minn., Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, the president of Field to Market who also farms in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio, shared why it is important for no-tillers and strip-tillers to share their knowledge with other farmers.
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