Josh Lofton, cropping systems specialist for Oklahoma State University Extension, discusses the need for growers to plan early for sugarcane aphid pressure, and what factors to consider when deciding whether to replant sorghum after recent cold weather and hail damage.
Due to a very wet fall and extensive snow cover during the winter in the Pacific Northwest, now is the time to scout for blackleg in winter canola fields, says Washington State University Extension.
For soil-applied herbicides, replanting can proceed whenever field conditions are feasible, but for some post-emergence herbicides, there are intervals between application and replanting, says University of Illinois Extension.
Black cutworm moths appear to be more active than normal, says Penn State Extension, and juvenile slugs have hatched out of their eggs in no-tilled fields.
After reports were released that President Trump was considering pulling the U.S. out of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the president of Mexico and prime minister of Canada contacted the White House to request renegotiating the agreement, The New York Times reported.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, we head to Amboy, Ill., where Dave Thompson shares his top takeaways from harvest season. Univ. of Illinois soil scientist Andrew Margenot discusses why some no-tillers might want to dial back P and K rates next growing season.
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