• Creates, builds and refreshes strips
  • Moves residue 6 to 8 inches
  • Bands liquid fertilizer
  • Operates at 6 to 8 mph

The Strip Maker is a "stripped down" version of the Strip Cat.  It is built with the same heavy materials as the Strip Cat, but with fewer attachments. This lets strip-tillers travel at faster speeds and handle the same amount of residue as the Strip Cat strip-till units.

The Strip Maker has parallel linkage, depth control, trash managers and light tillage for drying out and warming up the soil for on time planting. The Strip Maker can be modified to strip till, making this tool multi-task.  With ample notification, this tool can also be adapted for layby/sidedressing liquid fertilizer.
A dedicated strip maker will fit the Strip Maker on light 7 by 7-inch toolbar from Twin Diamond Industries or that old bar in the back forty.