Articles Tagged with ''Bt''

Bt Trait Reference Updated

Michigan State University field crops entomologist Chris DiFonzo and University of Wisconsin entomologist Eileen Cullen recently updated and published their “Handy Bt Trait Table.� This great reference provides information for transgenic hybrids on the types of Bt proteins expressed, insects controlled, herbicide tolerance and refuge requirements for selected traits.
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Encouraging Good Insects And Limiting The Bad Ones

No-till and biodiversity can preserve beneficial insect populations that naturally control crop pests, and possibly reduce insecticide usage, says a USDA expert.
The prevalent attitude that the only good bug is a dead bug is leading agriculture down a perilous road, says Jonathan Lundgren, an entomologist at the USDA-ARS laboratory in Brookings, S.D.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Efficient Fertility, Cover Crops Set The Table For A Life Of No-Till

Cover crops, specialty products and strategic fertilizer placement provide a yield boost for veteran Pennsylvania no-tiller H. Grant Troop.
I now know that what I was calling no-till in the early 1970s wasn’t what many would classify as no-till, but my farming operation now certainly fits the definition. Only the coulters on my no-till planter and drill crack the surface of my fields today.
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Improved, Simplified Insect Protection Tools Coming Soon To A No-Till Field

Several seed and crop protection companies to expand, strengthen yield protection of corn through new traits and technologies.
In-plant insect protection has long been helping corn producers sleep better at night — comfortable in the knowledge that their fields are safe from at least some of the yield-robbing threats they face.
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