Articles Tagged with ''frank comments''

Frank Comments

$1.5 Million Fine For Plowing?

Results of A recent California judicial ruling indicate plowing and deep ripping of wetlands may be against the law. As many no-tillers have maintained for years, the cropping and environmental perils of plowing may finally be recognized when it comes to controlling erosion and protecting our land.
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Frank Comments

2 Years Corn, 2 Years Beans

Instead of a 2-year corn and soybean rotation, Dwayne Beck makes a case for a 4-year Corn Belt rotation of corn, corn, soybeans and soybeans. He maintains that his rotation provides more flexibility, lowers weed control costs, offers fewer disease problems, reduces insect concerns and overcomes worries about growing weed resistance.
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Frank Comments

No-Till Wheat Is Working

One of the more fascinating ideas coming out of a recent University of Kentucky study is the impact that no-tilled wheat apparently has on future crop yields. In fact, Kentucky agronomist Lloyd Murdock has found corn and soybeans yield more where they follow no-tilled wheat.
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Frank Comments

Use Seed Buying Patience

The type of seed genetics to plant next spring is on the mind of many no-tillers these days. With growing concerns about marketing genetically modified organism (GMO) seed, many people are getting frustrated.
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