Articles Tagged with ''Organic''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

From No-Till Novice To Globe-Trotting Educator

Adapting tools and strategies by example have helped Scott Day push zero-till acres to nearly 100% in his region.
The two careers that formed my life for the last 23 years started on the same day. A loan to purchase 320 acres adjacent to my family’s home farm, and an offer for a job as a local extension agronomist for Manitoba Agriculture, were mere hours apart.
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All Roads Lead Back To Soil Health

NRCS soil scientist Ray Archuleta believes promoting healthy no-till soils requires a lot more than just ceasing tillage operations. It means following the lead of nature.
For no-tillers aiming for sustainable and profitable crop production, optimizing soil health and function is the ultimate endgame, says Ray Archuleta.
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A Cover Crop Bonus: Weed Suppression

With the pipeline of new herbicides hitting the market shrinking in the next decade, wisely chosen cover crops that establish quickly and are controlled properly can keep weeds at bay.
No-tillers are finding that weed suppression can be an added benefit of using cover crops by tweaking a few management strategies in their fields.
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No-Till Grows Beyond The Borders

Controlled traffic, cover crops and continuous no-till are boosting yields and profitability in South America, Australia and elsewhere as worldwide no-till acres near 300 million.
To gauge the world’s supply of arable farming acres, an agricultural expert once compared Earth to the size of an apple, cut into 32 slices. The number of acres suitable for food production represents only one slice, and the apple’s skin represents the world’s supply of topsoil.
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