With data through mid-October, the University of Missouri’s Integrated Pest Management program compiled dicamba damage reports from throughout the U.S.
Arkansas’ State Plant Board members voted Wednesday during a public hearing and board meeting prohibit the use of dicamba in Arkansas between April 16 and Oct. 31, with an exemption for pastures and rangeland.
If you want to avoid potential problems and save yourself from frustration and major headaches, don’t delay winterizing your sprayer too long if you already have not done so, says Ohio State University Extension.
Here's a summary from Kansas State University Extension on the agreements reached between the EPA and companies selling dicamba products registered for use on Xtend soybeans and cotton pertaining to label modifications and application requirements.
The U.S. environmental agency is considering banning sprayings of the agricultural herbicide dicamba after a set deadline next year, according to state officials advising the agency on its response to crop damage linked to the weed killer.
In areas of the country that have had plenty of moisture, KSU weed management specialists offer advice on controlling tall weeds in wheat stubble ahead of fall wheat planting.
You would have to live under a rock to not have heard about farmers’ issues with dicamba this growing season. Arkansas banned the pesticide, Missouri temporarily banned and then changed the label, and complaints are skyrocketing in Indiana and Illinois.
While problems experienced with off-target movement and injury in states like Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee have been well covered in the media, an Iowa State weed specialist says that doesn’t mean all is well in his state.
With reports of dicamba damage soaring in last 2 weeks, University of Illinois weed specialist gives a thorough review of symptoms, analysis of current situation.
With reports of dicamba damage soaring in last 2 weeks, University of Illinois weed specialist gives a thorough review of symptoms, analysis of current situation.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, longtime no-tiller Jim Leverich explains why 20-inch corn rows are paying off big time on his Sparta, Wis., farm.
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