Articles Tagged with ''red clover''

Online Extras: March 2015 Issue

Web-exclusive content for this issue includes:

  • Stalk Roller Links Residue Breakdown with No-Till Benefits
  • Clover, Cereal Rye Enhance No-Tiller’s 3-Year Rotation
  • No-Till Farmer Multimedia
  • No-Till Farmer’s Best of the Web

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Feb 2015 Feature Image

Protect Soil, Produce More ‘N’ with Frost Seeded Red Clover

No-tillers raising winter wheat can use this time-honored practice to boost yields for the following crop, improve soil tilth and relieve compaction, all without hauling out a no-till planter or drill.
When Aaron McQueen started farming 3 years ago, he wanted to seed a cover crop after winter wheat harvest to reduce erosion and increase soil tilth and soil biological activity.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Breaking Through the No-Till Barrier with Cover Crops

Adding winter wheat, livestock and cover crops helped Paul Ackley overcome his no-till plateau, simplify his planter and build more productive soils.
I never was one to like tillage. It just didn’t make sense. You would go through and make a perfect seedbed to plant into and then, without fail, you couldn’t get back in the field with the planter before it would rain. Then you would have to start all over again.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Breaking Through The Plow Pan, Taking No-Till To New Heights

Ralph Upton Jr. didn’t know how his early gamble on no-till and cover crops would pay off, but he’s reaping the rewards for his sustainable investment.
If we’re talking cover crops, I could keep a person up all night. Cover crops are truly amazing in what they can accomplish, and the number of different hats they can wear on the farm.
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Opportunities For Summer Cover Crop Seeding

Small grain harvest has started and some fields are still open after a challenging spring, which means this is a golden opportunity for cover crop or summer forage seedings.
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