Farmers have many reasons for moving from conventional tillage to strip-till, whether it’s minimizing erosion, being more precise with inputs, building soil health or getting more bushels per acre.
From December 16th, 2013 - January 15th, 2014, we asked No-Till Farmer readers: "How did your corn and soybean yields end up in 2013 vs. your expectations?"
Using in-furrow application methods can help make phosphorus more available to growing corn and net more bushels for no-tillers, says researcher Jerry Wilhm.
Over the last several years, input expenses for no-tillers in general have increased by approximately 21%, and one of the highest-costing inputs is fertilizer.
Manure applications, in-furrow fertility treatments, ship-shape planters and 3 decades of 100% no-till are helping Pennsylvania no-tiller David Wolfskill reach record corn yields.
A few years ago while planting double-crop soybeans, David Wolfskill got out of his tractor, walked into one of his adjacent cornfields and noticed the ground was completely bare.
Three decades of no-till, or “never till” as John Rigdon calls it, is certainly long enough to establish a tradition at Rigdon Farms, but that’s only part of the story.
Using equipment already available, Beck’s researchers are matching corn hybrids and populations to management zones, netting nearly 20 bushels an acre more in yields.
Even after more than a quarter-century of no-tilling, Koepke Farms continues to fine-tune its practices to keep soil in place, make the most of manure and fertilizer applications and consistently reach 200-bushel corn yields without irrigation.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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