Articles Tagged with ''harrow''

[Video] Great Plains Exploring the Updated CT8300 Flex Harrow

Territory Manager for Illinois Mark Cobetto, details the changes made to the updated CT8300 Flex Harrow from Great Plains. These changes include a heavier built frame, heavier built pivot points to help and folding cradle which improve the overall durability and lasting power of the flex harrow. Additionally, the updated CT8300 offers expansive options when it comes to the many tine choices to fit whatever your needs may be.
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Building Spring Strips When It Didn’t Get Done

If a late harvest didn’t allow you to strip-till last fall, making shallower berms and splitting fertilizer this spring can help you stay on track
While many strip-tillers would have preferred to build strips and put down fertilizer in the fall, a late harvest prevented much of the work from being completed.
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No-Till’s A No-Brainer

With a few critical management changes, no-till has been the best investment ever made in this farming operation.
Even with a cold and wet spring in 2004, Tim Goodenough readily saw the many benefits of no-tilling with corn yielding as high as 265 bushels and soybeans reaching 67 bushels per acre.
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Successful No-Tilling Starts At Harvest

Effective residue management is the first step to minimize numerous no-till concerns.
Properly handling straw, chaff and stalks as they exit the combine is key to managing your residue throughout the year with no-till. It’s due to the fact that effective residue management influences erosion control, moisture conservation, seed placement, fertilizer distribution, crop emergence and weed control.
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Rotary Harrow Makes Good No-Till Tool For Seeding Cover Crops

These machines have caught the eye of no-tillers because they only work the top inch or so of soil without causing major soil disturbance.
An unexpected Phillips rotary harrow was a good fit this year for Foundation Feeders, located near Spring Grove, Minn. Jim Holty, a partner with his brother Ron in the custom heifer raising service, won a year’s use of the harrow at the 2004 National No-Tillage Conference in Des Moines. Jim manages the agronomy side of the business while Ron concentrates on the livestock operation.
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Hoe Undercuts Harrow And Costs

While some may look at the rotary hoe as a tool to loosen soil for planting, this no-tiller sees much more potential for use and savings.
Talk to any serious no-tillers and it won’t take long until you discuss the adjustments and changes they’ve made to their operations. Let’s face it — no-tilling isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice. In fact, the best operations include innovative tweaks and improvements to meet their particular circumstances. And once discovered, many of these improvements can be implemented in other no-till situations.
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No-Till Online

Improving Your No-Till Planter

Actively responding to the questions of fellow farmers, no-tillers have been eager to jump into a number of different hot topics.
A simple question about converting a disc to an aeration tool sparked a heated discussion on the No-Till Farmer message board this month. No-tillers gave their thoughts about making this conversion and also the compaction problems that can go along with no-tilling in cold, wet soils.
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Drill, Planter Changes Allow Earlier No-Tilling

By reconfiguring their no-till rigs, these brothers moved up planting dates.
The Reed brothers of Washington, Iowa, were dedicated no-tillers, but like no-tillers nearly everywhere, they wanted to seed without waiting the normal extra 2 or 3 days.
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