Articles Tagged with ''Grass''

Drop Soybean Seed Counts To Aim For Profits, Not Yields

No-tillers and researchers are finding that lower populations can maintain yields while providing healthier plants and bottom lines.
Grass farming doesn’t demand much attention in No-Till Farmer, but that doesn’t mean a grass farmer can’t find the answers he needs in these pages and from No-Till Farmer readers.
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No-Till Online

Conservation Tillage A Worldwide Thing

Growers on three continents compare notes on their challenges, methods and equipment for best results.
Thanks to the magic of computers, no-tillers and would-be no-tillers from the far corners of the Earth can conveniently get together. That’s what happened recently, when growers from Scotland, England, New Zealand and the U.S. met at Farmers Forum, No-Till Farmer’s online message board. Here’s how they found common ground.
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Take Cover!

An Ohio study shows the benefits of using cover crops in your no-till operation.
While most no-tillers know that cover crops can protect soil from wind and water erosion, a study conducted by the Conservation Action (CAP) Project at Napoleon, Ohio, points out even more potential benefits.
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