Articles Tagged with ''direct-seeding''

From the Desk of John Dobberstein

It’s Not Just About Today

It would be easy to lower expectations when you’re only getting 12-14 inches of precipitation each year. But that’s not the case for Steve and Becky Camp, who converted to no-till and made big changes in their rotation to keep something growing on their land as much of the growing season as possible.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Inheriting A Legacy of No-Till

With no-till long established by an innovator of the practice, the Hilton family in Alberta is free to focus on their business and the next big things.

Spencer: Running 10,000 acres of no-tilled hard red spring wheat, malting barley and canola in southern Alberta, Canada, is a team effort for our family. Until recently, when my parents, Gordon and Viola Hilton, exited the partnership, our farm was run by three generations.

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No One Answer For Handling No-Till Residue

You’ll find significant differences in the way no-tillers handle crop residue depending what part of the country they live and farm.
As No-Till Farmer readers know, editor Frank Lessiter visited the Palouse region in the Pacific Northwest in early August during the 2010 small grain harvest. He observed that many Palouse (southeastern Washington, mid-central Idaho and northeastern Oregon) no-tillers and direct-seeders perform some residue handling after harvest.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Takes Time To Learn How To No-Till Slopes That Exceed 50%

Idaho direct-seeder Russ Zenner spent more than 20 years developing rotations and testing equipment to continuously no-till some of the world’s steepest slopes.
When I'm asked what the primary differences are between no-tilling in the Palouse region of Idaho and Washington versus the Midwest, the discussion starts with our steep slopes.
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Direct-Seeder Sees Many No-Till Benefits

As early as 1980, the Melvilles — Kevin’s dad Tim, and he and his brother — were exploring a sustainable farming practice called direct seeding, which is a method of planting and fertilizing done with no prior tilling to prepare the soil.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Fixing Flaws Of No-Till In Infancy Led To Opener

To establish consistent seed germination, New Zealand’s John Baker learned that protecting soil humidity when planting was a critical need with no-till opener designs.
Some 41 years ago, when a few colleagues and I began what would become a three-decade scientific effort at New Zealand’s Massey University, we did not set out to invent a new no-tillage system.
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Try These Proven No-Till Residue Management Tricks

Regardless of where you farm or the crops you grow, study these solid residue management lessons from no-tillers growing high-yielding grain crops.
Just because you concentrate on no-tilling corn, soybeans or another crop doesn’t mean you can’t pick up plenty of yield-building residue management tricks from other growers. To do a better job of managing residues, check out how these eight Pacific Northwest and western Canadian growers go about managing residues for top profit.
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