Articles Tagged with ''weed control''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

From No-Till Novice To Globe-Trotting Educator

Adapting tools and strategies by example have helped Scott Day push zero-till acres to nearly 100% in his region.
The two careers that formed my life for the last 23 years started on the same day. A loan to purchase 320 acres adjacent to my family’s home farm, and an offer for a job as a local extension agronomist for Manitoba Agriculture, were mere hours apart.
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Recent Rainfall, Early Harvest May Bring Flush Of Fall Weeds

Properly applied fall burndown herbicides can control quick-hitting winter annuals and provide some residual protection, making for cleaner no-till fields ahead of planting next spring.
Due to some late-summer rainfall and an early harvest this year in many states, no-tillers who aren’t seeding cover crops may want to beef up their fall weed-control program to help keep fields clean for next year.
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Hot, Dry Weather Could Complicate Weed Control

While the extended periods of hot, dry weather Ohio has experienced in recent weeks may mean that weeds aren't growing as fast as they would in more moist conditions, the weather can still have an adverse effect on weed management for growers, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
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No-Till Notes

Warm Spring Changes Weed Control Game

Earlier scouting and herbicide applications may be needed to control higher winter-survival rates of winter annual, biennial and perennial weeds.
The mild winter and early spring conditions we’ve seen may have implications for this season’s weed and pest control.
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