Articles Tagged with ''protection''


Rolling, Crimping Can Help No-Tillers Use Covers Better

Well-designed roller-crimpers, and a good management plan, can help no-tillers and strip-tillers smother weeds, improve soil protection and get the most from high-biomass cover crops.
Rolling and crimping tall cover crops can help no-tillers and strip-tillers plant into heavy residue, preserve moisture and, in some cases, reduce herbicide use.
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Tillage Radish Honored As Top No-Till Product Of 2012

From no-till attachments to spraying equipment to crop protection, no-tillers voted for the best-performing products, across 13 categories, for their farm operations.
A product that serves as a foundation for innovative no-tillers looking to reduce compaction and enhance soil tilth has taken the top prize as No-Till Product Of The Year for 2012.
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No-Tillers Gain Flexibility With New Crop Protection Products

Manufacturers are rolling out new insecticides, herbicides and fungicides with improved formulas and tankmix compatibility to help no-tillers reduce trips across the field and boost yields.
Another wave of new crop-protection products is expected to hit the U.S. market in time for the 2013 growing season, as no-tillers and strip-tillers look for ways to fend off resistant weeds and yield-robbing diseases and insects.
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Tackle No-Till Small Grain Pest Concerns

Try these profit-building ideas for controlling weeds, diseases and insects in no-tilled wheat and barley.
With a desire to pump up small grain yields, no-tillers are searching for better ways to combat a growing number of costly pests. As a result, attendees at last winter’s 15th National No-Tillage Conference were keenly interested in learning to do a more effective job of controlling yield-grabbing pests.
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Tackling Small Grain Pest Concerns

Tech reps from Bayer CropScience and Syngenta Crop Protection outline new no-till small grain pesticide management strategies.
Having invested in the latest sprayer technologies, cereal grain growers are gearing up to do a better job of applying pesticides — starting this fall with winter wheat.
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Corn Seed Options Boom for No-Till

It’s no longer a guessing game, but rather a matter of sorting through all the information to find seed that fits your no-till field conditions and practices.
There have never been more corn hybrid selections and protections on the market to help meet the needs of no-tillers. We’ve moved a long way from the hybrid guessing game no-tillers were in just a few short years ago.
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Shop Talk: EPA Approval Given For New Paraquat Herbicide

A new formulation of paraquat herbicide from Syngenta Crop Protection has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Syngenta says Gramoxone Inteon sets a higher industry standard for protection of users, provides control as effective as Gramoxone Max in burndown and harvest aid uses, and offers an effective alternative to glyphosate.
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New Growing Season Brings More Protection For Soybeans

The list of options grows as no-tillers face the threat of Asian rust on top of the usual diseases, weeds and insects.
A NUMBER OF NEW products and Section 18 exemptions from the Environmental Protection Agency for the use of fungicides against Asian soybean rust means more options for no-tillers looking to protect their soybeans. Here’s a company by company rundown of the products no-tillers can add to their list of choices.
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