Articles Tagged with ''moisture''

From The Tropics To The Farm

The winning entry from an Oregon college student in the Phoenix Rotary Equipment Ltd. conservation tillage essay contest explains how no-till can lead to healthier soils around the world.
As I sit here at my desk, I find myself not in the countryside of eastern Oregon where my family raises dryland wheat and barley, but rather in the vast city of Quito, Ecuador.
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Moisture Levels Tied To Tiles And Lime

Check out these No-Till Farmer message board opinions about the connection between water problems and calcium levels. More drainage tips and ideas are available at
No-Till Online

Well-Equipped To Talk Weather

How much moisture does no-tilling conserve? Will no-tilling practices overcome compaction concerns? The voice of experience offers answers.
Equipment choices might be the most common subject among no-tillers. Or maybe it’s the weather. Or maybe how the weather changes soil conditions, and thus equipment choices. Whatever, it’s all covered in these excerpts from recent postings at Farmer’s Forum, the online bulletin board at
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No-Till “Shines” When The Sun Swipes Valuable Moisture

Moisture conservation may be the key to reducing disease since moisture-stressed wheat is more susceptible to infection.
With a one-pass operation that places seed and fertilizer into an otherwise undisturbed seedbed and packs the furrow, no-till systems shine when it comes to both better yields and disease control, says Andy Lenssen, a Montana State University entomologist.
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