Articles Tagged with ''steve groff''


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Earthworms can accomplish a lot in undisturbed fields, and no-tillers are in perfect position to capitalize, says this speaker at the 2006 National No-Tillage Conference.
Field scouting usually happens in broad daylight. But to scout for one indicator of the vitality of your no-till fields, it’s best to step out after dark, or dusk at earliest. Then look for earthworms.
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No-Till Online

Thoughts Sprout On Tap Roots For Breaking Up Compacted Soils

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When compacted soils become a problem, as they can anywhere in the country, cover crops can be an effective solution, according to experienced no-till farmers. But you need to know which crop will work in your area to provide the kind of long tap roots needed. Visitors to Farmer’s Forum, the message board of No-Till Farmer, offered a number of possibilities recently. We share their ideas here, as well as thoughts about an assortment of other topics.
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Pumpkins To Christmas Trees

This no-till operation finds big cash crop benefits from no-tilling pumpkins.
No matter what time of year it is, your chances of tracking down no-tillers Ron Metzler and Randy Wissler, owners of Metzler & Wissler Farms, are probably about as good as winning the lottery.
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No-Tilling Fibers

They aren't your normal no-tilled crops, but growing industrial hemp and kenaf could earn dollars as cash crops or cover crops
When Steve Groff began looking at ways to boost his no-till income, fiber crops in theory, appeared to be a profitable possibility.
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Custom Made No-Till Rig

This custom-made, all-purpose no-till planter brings profit and versatility.
Though Cedar Meadows Farm in Holtwood, Pa., may be small in size, it's got plenty of innovative solutions when it comes to no-till equipment.
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With Right Tools, No-Tilling Tomatoes A Reality

A Pennsylvania no-tiller uses Buffalo rolling stalk chopper and a specially designed planter to transplant no-till tomatoes into a cover crop.
Some 15 years ago, no-tilling tomatoes wasn’t even thought to be possible. But no-tiller Steve Groff has found huge success transplanting tomatoes into a thick cover crop with the aid of a Buffalo rolling stalk chopper and no-till planter developed at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI).
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