One running joke Bill Johnson has been hearing is that waterhemp was really bad this year in the Eastern Corn Belt because it was jealous from all the attention being paid of late to its pigweed relative, Palmer amaranth.
Effective burndown applications, paired with hand-pulling weeds and letting cover crops achieve a high amount of biomass, may be the key to beating herbicide-resistant waterhemp.
A new study explores foliar treatment options for herbicide-resistant waterhemp, an annual broadleaf weed species that can be devastating to corn and soybean crops, says the Weed Science Society of America.
Growers planning to rely on dicamba-resistant soybean in their 2016 weed management programs for control of herbicide-resistant weeds should consider alternative strategies, says University of Illinois Extension.
From December 16th - January 15th, we asked No-Till Farmer readers: "Do you know of or suspect glyphosate resistance on your farm to any of the following weeds or grasses?"
University of Illinois Extension shares what no-tillers need to keep in mind with weed management next year in regards to herbicide resistance and post-emergence.
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During the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Minneapolis, Minn., Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, the president of Field to Market who also farms in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio, shared why it is important for no-tillers and strip-tillers to share their knowledge with other farmers.
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