Satisfying the appetites of a few thousand head of cattle is the linchpin of Boyle Farms and McClintock Dairy, both multimillion dollar operations near Coolidge, Ariz.
When done correctly, the PSNT is an excellent tool to determine available nitrate-N from organic matter mineralization, says Michigan State University Extension.
Wheel traffic is a necessity for alfalfa production but can cause soil compaction and physical damage to the alfalfa crown or shoot, Ohio State University Extension says.
When scouting for army cutworms, use a treatment threshold of 4 or more cutworm larvae per square foot for winter wheat or alfalfa, or 2 or more if the wheat is thin or the alfalfa is newly established.
University of Missouri Extension recommends alfalfa growers begin scouting their crop for alfalfa weevils now and continue to do so weekly through first harvest.
With the first cutting of alfalfa nearing, the University of Arkansas Extension recommends no-tillers apply nutrients soon, especially phosphorus and potassium.
If planting new alfalfa fields this spring, University of Nebraska suggests considering needs and costs when selecting traits, particularly Roundup Ready alfalfa.
A growing dairy operation prompted a Wisconsin farm to adopt more conservation practices, giving them healthier, mellower soil and better use of time and labor while maintaining yields.
Most problematic for legumes, molybdenum deficiencies are sometimes misdiagnosed as nitrogen deficiencies, but with a soil pH greater than 6.0, a response to applications is unlikely.
Discovered by scientist Ann Kennedy with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, strain D7, offers significant activity to combat downy brome, commonly known as cheatgrass.
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During the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Minneapolis, Minn., Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, the president of Field to Market who also farms in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio, shared why it is important for no-tillers and strip-tillers to share their knowledge with other farmers.
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