Articles Tagged with ''Doug Miller''

Laura Barrera
From the Desk of Laura Barrera

Keys to Speeding Up Residue Decomposition

While residue decomposition is largely controlled by the environment and soil conditions, there are some things no-tillers can do to help speed breakdown along.
While residue decomposition is largely controlled by the environment and soil conditions, there are some things no-tillers can do to help speed breakdown along.
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Shoot for Higher Organic Matter by Relying on Residue

While increasing organic matter is a multi-year process, no-tillers can boost it even faster by ensuring there’s enough plant material to replenish what’s already in the soil and adding more residue.
Despite making up only a small percentage of the soil — no more than 10%, according to the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension — organic matter plays a critical role in the soil’s health and the crops raised on it.
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Restoring Soil Health webinar

[Webinar] The Dollars and Cents of Residue Breakdown

During this webinar, Doug Miller, agronomist and vice president of Midwest Bio-Tech, helps you understand the fertility value of the nutrients in crop residue and how the residue decay process affects your bottom line. This FREE webinar is brought to you by the Midwest Bio-Tech. [To view any of our webinar replays, you must be logged in with a free user account.]
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Restoring Soil Health webinar

[Webinar] How Can No-Tillers Increase Soil Organic Matter?

When you begin to increase the organic matter levels of your farmland soils, you begin to give your crops a better chance of being more productive. In this No-Till Farmer webinar, Doug Miller, an agronomist and vice president of Midwest Bio-Tech in Erie, Ill., helps you understand the factors that influence organic matter formation and how to manage the process of building organic matter. [To view any of our webinar replays, you must be logged in with a free user account.]
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Tips For Making No-Tilled Corn-On-Corn Successful

No-tillers and planter experts share their advice in working through tough corn residue and achieving good stands in continuous corn.
Price advantages. Nutrient management. Increasing organic matter. Soil types. There are many reasons a no-tiller may decide to work with a corn-on-corn rotation, but continuous no-till corn isn’t absent of challenges.
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Emerging Biologicals Could Help No-Tillers Get More With Less

Bio-ag products are outgrowing their “snake oil” reputation and could bring higher yields at a lower environmental price.

For no-tillers already saving topsoil, reducing fuel usage and controlling input costs, the emerging market of biological products could offer another way to ratchet yields even higher without paying an environmental price.

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