Articles Tagged with ''costs''


No-Till’s A No-Brainer

With a few critical management changes, no-till has been the best investment ever made in this farming operation.
Even with a cold and wet spring in 2004, Tim Goodenough readily saw the many benefits of no-tilling with corn yielding as high as 265 bushels and soybeans reaching 67 bushels per acre.
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Frank Comments

Three Workhorses Approved

If there's ever been any doubt on your part regarding the huge savings you’ll earn on fuel purchases from no-tilling, check out the No-Till-Age chart at the bottom left side of this page.
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Tough No-Till Competition

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, we taught Brazilian farmers how to no-till successfully. Now, they’re kicking our butts in the worldwide export market due to lower cropping costs and a tremendous boost in no-tilled acres.
When several University of Kentucky agronomists and others headed to South America 35 years ago to show farmers there how to no-till, little did they realize that demonstrating this new technology would eventually turn Brazil into a major player in the world food market and a serious competitor for our grain exports. It’s not likely that they foresaw the eventual impact this would have on prices being paid to American farmers today.
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Proof Is In The Profits

Indiana farmer knows exactly how much extra money no-tilling puts in his pocket compared to conventional tillage.

A Passion for Precision

If profitable farming is your goal, auto steering might get you where you want to go.
If you're strip-tilling or want to improve traffic control in your no-till fields, you should consider auto steering, says Randall Reeder, an agricultural engineer with Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. While the cost is hefty and a decision should be made carefully, the returns can be well worth the investment, he says.
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Frank Commnts

Why No-Tilling Will Pay

Compared to conventional tillage, U.S. Department of Agricultural economists say, corn growers who follow a crop residue management (CRM) program not only minimize soil and chemical runoff but can sharply reduce costs.
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Do The Math: No-Till Saves Money

Myron Wehr asks questions. Most recently, he’s asking about the right fertilization program for his 1,900-acre farm in New Waterford, Ohio, and the several hundred acres he no-tills and harvests for neighbors. So he’s hosting an Ohio State University research project comparing his regular nitrogen program with fall and spring applications, both broadcast and incorporated, of manure and nitrogen. The results favor incorporated manure.
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Let Cover Crops Trim Your Herbicide Costs

With nitrogen and weed control costs going up, here’s plenty of South America ammunition on the benefits of keeping your no-till fields covered all year long.
If you're looking for ways to trim no-till herbicide bills, research done in Paraguay indicates seeding cover crops can help you get the job done. Keeping the soil covered can be an effective way to reduce weed concerns when no-tilling.
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A Simple Solution

A two-sprayer-in-one system could cut no-till weed control costs in half.
For many no-tillers pesticide purchases constitute a major portion of their cash flow. A new system developed at Ohio State University (OSU) may be the solution to reducing pesticide costs that many no-tillers are looking for.
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