Ohio State University Extension has currently started the second year of a three-year partnership of ag industry, USB, and a number of land grant universities to provide education and resources for managing herbicide site of action and mitigating herbicide resistance. This is resulting in some additional free publications for use by agronomists, growers, CCA’s, etc. A list of what is available — or will soon be available — follows. Examples of the first four can be found on http://agcrops.osu.edu/specialists/weeds, either in the “News of Interest” or the “Herbicide Resistance Information” sections — contact the OSU Extension if you would like a supply of any of these.
Plenty of the “Herbicide Classification Chart," “Take Action" and “Know Your Weeds” single page/posters are available in roughly a 20x30 size (glossy paper), and foam core posters that are about twice as large will be made. The smaller size would be suitable for distributing to clientele, while the larger would be suitable for the wall of a business or office.
“Control of Marestail in No-till Soybeans," fact sheet has been expanded to 4 pages so that it provides more comprehensive information. It can be downloaded and printed as needed, and 2,000 copies will be printed as well.
“Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana," can be downloaded free as a pdf from OSU or Purdue weed science websites. Hard copies are available for purchase at many OSU Extension county offices by early January, and are also available for purchase at the OSU Extension estore.
The Palmer Amaranth video provides an overview of the biology of this weed and the problems it has caused in the South. It can be viewed online via http://agcrops.osu.edu/specialists/weeds. This was also mailed out to ag industry and CCA’s on a DVD, and we have a number of these left for free distribution.