Andy Waters, Linco-Precision (Springfield, Ill.)

Andy has been in the precision ag business for 10 years. He is well known and highly thought of in central Illinois. Andy has been a leader in our organization and takes on many responsibilities in the precision ag department and is always eager to assist other employees with their questions. As an example of Andy's hands on, preemptive style of service to his customers, I've copied a portion of an email he sent last spring to all his customers and co-workers to be ahead of a potential problem.

Andy wrote,

As of May 17th 2022, the US Government has decommissioned WAAS satellite 138 which has been our main correction satellite in Illinois and much of the Midwest for many years, and they are replacing it with satellite WAAS 135 which is in commission now.  ONLY if you use WAAS on any of your systems, and ONLY if you are having issues converging or getting a GPS fix, attached are documents on how to change the satellite settings for an EZ Guide 250, EZ Guide 500, CFX 750/ FM 750, TMX using Precision IQ application, and GFX 350/ XCN 750 or GFX 750/ XCN 1050 displays with Nav 500, or Nav 900 receivers.  As far as a FMX/ FM-1000 or TMX 2050/ XCN 2050, I only have a video for that.

He went on to cover additional brands and models of precision equipment as well as attaching several PDF files and videos to assist area farmers in this transition. This was completely his idea, his initiative and his foresight in caring for his customers.  

—Lloyd Lewis (Greenville, Ill.)

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