Ryan Koenig, Heritage Tractor (Pittsburg, Kan.)

Ryan Koenig is a veteran precision specialist who has devoted a lot of time away from his family to make sure our customers keep running in the field. Ryan covers multiple locations so he gets spread out during peak seasons. The following story from the time during the pandemic is just one reason Ryan deserves the spotlight.  

A customer called on a weekend and stated that he was having issues with his display. Ryan completed an RDA session with the customer and noticed that the display was locking up, information was missing, and performance was significantly degraded. On top of all the issues the customer was having, it was the middle of corn planting, and he was in the middle of the field trying to beat the rain. Ryan hopped into his truck and headed for the dealership. He flew through and picked up a new processor and headed to the field. Once he got to the field, the customer was frantic. He was just sure that all the data that he had on his display was gone and Ryan could not retrieve it. Ryan set up his computer and hot spot and tore into the tractor. Ryan was able to back up the processor and send the information to the Operations Center. Once that was completed, he warranted the activations on the old processor, installed the new processor, transferred the data and activations to the new processor and put the tractor cab back together. Total time 1.5hrs. Ryan then started the tractor back up and it was just like the customer had never had an issue. The customer completed planting that field just as the rain set in. At the end of the planting season, the customer checked all his planting data, and everything was as it should be. To this day the customer still talks about how quickly Ryan was able to diagnose and fix the issue and did not lose any of the data.  

—Jeff Mueller (Adrian, Mo.)

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