2-Report Soybean Package

2-Report Soybean Package (EN1215A631)

$8.95 (35%)

Product Details

If you've hit the "wall" with yields, there's much to take note of. This 2-report soybean package let's you in on the latest tools, technologies and techniques from the industry's top researchers, agronomists and successful no-tillers for raising high-yielding no-till soybeans.

In a total of 56 pages, you'll discover:

  • Fred Below's 6 Secrets Of Soybean Success
  • 19 In-Depth, Profit-Boosting Soybean Tips
  • New Tools To Knock Down Troublesome Weeds
    PLUS! A 'DNA' Profile To Help You Beat Worrisome Weeds In Soybeans
  • A Soybean Management Checklist
  • Fighting Those Tough, Yield-Robbing Soybean Diseases 
  • And So Much More!

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