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Managing No-Till Profits With Better Soil Biology - Kris Nichols (NNTC 2014 Presentation) - MP3 Download


Product Details

Agriculture faces many stresses today. Kris Nichols says fresh water, nutrients and energy resources are declining, while a growing population is requiring production to double in the near future. That means no-tillers will need to find ways to improve economic and environmental sustainability of their agroecosystems.

Soil biology holds the key. The soil microbiologist from Mandan, N.D., explains how no-tillers need to focus on increased organic matter, improved water infiltration and water-holding capacity, and better nutrient cycling to reduce runoff, leaching and compaction. Nichols shares practices no-tillers need to adopt to provide the food and habitat for a diverse array of soil organisms to flourish. 

(Total Run Time: 46 Minutes; File Size: 11.2 Megabytes)

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