2012 National No-Tillage Conference Audio

Nutrient Management For The Grower Looking To Save (NNTC 2012 Presentation) - MP3 Download


Product Details

Nutrient management in no-till and strip-till operations can be challenging for farmers who do not wish to incorporate fertilizer with traditional means. David Legvold, a Northfield, Minn., no-tiller and strip-tiller, will outline how planter modifications, strip-till techniques, sidedressing and liquid hog manure can be achieved in no-till systems, all backed by locally grown data from numerous field trials with various tillage and nutrient tests.

Legvold will also discuss the effects of liquid hog manure in strip-till vs. conventional-till systems; the presence of E-coli in tile water when manure is applied at proper rates vs. excessive amounts; and varied application rates of sidedressed nitrogen assessed for stalk nitrate levels, yield performance and optimum economic benefit.

(Total Run Time: 49 Minutes; File Size: 47.2 Megabytes)

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