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We know there’s always more to learn, which is why we appreciate every piece of feedback we receive from our readers about their experience with the No-Till Farmer magazine. If you’d like to share your feedback with our team, please submit your experience here.
I started no-till in 1992 and never looked back. I couldn’t have accomplished what I have without the timely articles, information and knowledge I’ve acquired from reading No-Till Farmer.
— Bill Rohloff, Cambridge, Wisconsin
I love the in depth interviews or articles about current farms, practices or people relating to no till. This gives very good ideas for implementing on one's own farm. Each article or video leaves me with one good tip or idea to follow up or try out. Another huge benefit of the magazine is the information on equipment. That has helped me, since we have just started no-tilling vegetables in the last 2 years and are still fine-tuning and figuring out or Monosem NG4+ vacuum seeder. A specific action that I took from information in No-Till Farmer, in an article from Precision Planting on seeder tips, was increasing gauge wheel down force on my seeder to help keep the seed trench open longer so it is less likely to collapse prematurely — an issue we had been struggling with.
— John Rutherford, Elsmore, Australia
The magazine shows what other people are doing with their farms regarding no-till, how long they have been no-tilling and using cover crops to enhance production and suppress weeds, as well as benefits they're seeing in a relatively short time.
— Walter Kraminski, Sauquoit, NY
When we first started no-tilling in 1991, it was a leap of faith to jump into the practice with our entire acreage. With the outstanding guidance of No-Till Farmer we found our decision to be one we have stayed with to this day and its rewarded us in every way. We highly recommend the knowledge passed on in No-Till Farmer to anyone interested in making the conversion. You won't be sorry, and will save yourself a great deal of time and effort in the process.
— Jim Andrew, Jefferson, IA
I have learned quite a few tips from other farmers and their techniques, and some of the tools and planter attachments that are shown in your magazine. I also enjoy reading Frank’s articles as he brings up some very good ideas and points. A lot of information in the last few years has focused on cover crops and the different mixes and ways of getting the most benefits from using them. I have been no-tilling for over 30 years now and for the last 25 years I have been 100% no-till. The last couple of years I have been planting into green standing cover crops and have been having very good results. Overall I look forward to getting the magazine as I always find articles that are helpful to my operation.
— Robert Cooper, St. Inigoes, MD
The articles No-Till Farmer publishes are current, relevant and candid, sharing both successes and failures saving others the time re-inventing the wheel. The articles showcasing new or improved equipment designs are also extremely helpful.
— Donald Lunn, Alvinston, ON, Canada
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There is a wealth of knowledge in each issue: From how to set up the planter to planting in cover crops. I am becoming more efficient at growing crops and using less tillage, thus saving time, fuel and labor. The end result has been the same from conventional tillage to no-till, so it just makes sense for my operation. Keep up the great work!
— Ben Gausmann, Stoughton, Wisconsin
I like reading about the innovators and those who try to disturb the status quo. I enjoy the times the magazine fights back against false narratives in the public and even among those in the supposed "regenerative farming" community. The magazine should do more to combat the idea that no-till causes nutrient run off, or that herbicide burndown is somehow worse than tillage/dryout burndown. Just recently no-till is being blamed for frost and freeze damage. It's completely false. Be the voice we need.
— Charles Larsen, Denmark, Wisconsin
It's not the big things, but the little parts and pieces from everyone's operation, that I read about and apply them to mine.
— Tom Schuffenecker, Curtice, Ohio
I always look forward to ideas from around country, and save articles for later planter set-ups. There is lots of cover crop information.
— Chris Can Dyke, Seymour, Wisconsin
Unlike most farm publications, we feel you have not sold out family farmers, their rural communities and our way of life just to get more advertising dollars out of the Industrial agricultural corporations. No-till farming is about doing all you can to partner with nature, not do everything to kill it!
— Rod Sommerfield, Mazeppa, Minnesota
Subscribe to No-Till Farmer magazine today with a complete 100% money-back guarantee and discover the hard-earned secrets these no-tillers have discovered that have improved their bottom-line profitability and efficiency. Subscribe here »
The content is to the point, relevant to what is current and has bite-sized articles with pictures of course. I always look forward to Conservation Tillage Guide but it seems to get lost in the mail nowadays. I use the magazine for reference often. I recall an incident when we had down corn and, remembering what I learned in No-Till Farmer about "bewaring of revenge tillage" I went to past publications where there were articles on cover crops (which I had never paid attention to) in almost all of them. The articles and information were extremely valuable and revolutionized our operation. I appreciate how your magazine has adapted to the emphasis on soil health and regenerative agriculture.
— Egon Zunckel, Bergville Kzn, South Africa
No Till Farmer has been the single best thing that has helped us transition into regenerative ag.
— Lowell King, Loma, Colorado
Up-to-date information and the most informative magazine I have ever read. You involve many of the innovators in the industry, which is very important to keep improving profitability and sustainability. I've always been able to see ideas that can be implemented on our farm. It's very important information for the future of agriculture.
— Jeff Martin, Mount Pulaski, Illinois
Mostly the magazine reminds me why I am doing no-till and to keep doing what I've been doing for 22 years now.
— Max Tjaden, Clearwater, Kansas
Learning what other no-tillers are doing by reading about what they are learning and experiencing. This is very educational and reassuring.
— Wayne Behm, Martin, Ohio
Subscribe to No-Till Farmer magazine today with a complete 100% money-back guarantee and discover the hard-earned secrets these no-tillers have discovered that have improved their bottom-line profitability and efficiency. Subscribe here »
No-Till Farmer is a great magazine. The writers and editors are top notch and the articles are always very well-written and full of pertinent information. I always learn something from every issue and even scan pages to keep on my PC for future reference. I have a much better understanding of the complexity of healthy soil and how different cover crops enhance or negatively effect cash crops. We are going to try our first cover-crop mix this fall as a result of reading No-Till Farmer.
— Bill Edwards, Hurlock, Maryland
Reading your articles helps me decide what I should do when I can't do what's "normal."
— Jeremy Wensink, Custar, Ohio
Your coverage on cover crops, the dos and don'ts, have helped tremendously on my operation. From knowing when to burn down covers to the different cover crop mixes has made me more profitable."
— Craig Blausey, Martin, Ohio
The info I have gotten from No-Till Farmer has helped me in my 11 years using this practice. In every issue I learn more about conservation of moisture/soil/time and fuel. I don't think I could balance my full-time job, public service, family and farming without no-till."
— Nicholas Kaye, Rodney, Michigan
I love hearing about how other farmers are thinking outside the box with no-tilling. I also like the attention to the innovative equipment adapted to no-till."
— Bill Powers, Mauston, Wisconsin
Subscribe to No-Till Farmer magazine today with a complete 100% money-back guarantee and discover the hard-earned secrets these no-tillers have discovered that have improved their bottom-line profitability and efficiency. Subscribe here »
I enjoy reading about the updates on cover crops, roller-crimping, management strategies and other ways to use less of anything synthetic."
— Chad Christianson, Fremont, Nebraska
I most like the wide range of no-till ideas and techniques that I am exposed to by reading No-Till Farmer. The content has improved my farming operation by showcasing different approaches to solving no-till issues from outside my immediate geographic area."
— Andrew Vore, Washington, Pennsylvania
Helps me to know that I am not crazy in an area that loves to till the ground!"
— Mark Waldbeser, Loda, Illinois
I really appreciate the focus on cover crops and using them successfully. I do a bit of no-till and strip-till and much of the cover crop information has helped my strip-tilling practices. The articles have helped stretch me to try new things and I've seen amazing changes in our soils with the use of covers partnered with strip-till. Last fall I decided I wanted to keep something growing as long as possible but still have it terminate over the winter. I seeded oats on with the fertilizer when I stripped last fall. This spring I had a beautiful, mellow strip to plant corn into. No-Till Farmer has stretched my mind to look for ways to become more sustainable. It has become my favorite magazine."
— Todd Cowan, Blythe, Ontario, Canada
"I’ve gotten No-Till Farmer magazine forever. It’s probably the best publication in all of agriculture."
— Richard Winter, Kennedyville, Maryland
Subscribe to No-Till Farmer magazine today with a complete 100% money-back guarantee and discover the hard-earned secrets these no-tillers have discovered that have improved their bottom-line profitability and efficiency. Subscribe here »
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