Download our eGuide, “How Seeding Cover Crops Can Slash Your Fertilizer Bills,” and learn how to reap all the benefits of a cover-crop system, protect your soil and increase farm profits!
Pick up lasting no-till tips and tricks from no-till pioneer David Brandt, who shares with us his insight on various mixes of covers, recycling soil nutrients, and notching major reductions in input costs!
Today, many farmers are implementing cover crops to protect and nourish the soil. No-tiller David Brandt recognizes this benefit from planting covers, but also seeks to make a profit from them. In his words, “I’m kind of a greedy farmer. If I plant something, I want to make some money — so our cover crops have to make money also.”
Download this FREE cover-crop eGuide to discover farm-tested ways to collect the benefits of using cover crops as a source of soil stability, while bringing in revenue from what you grow.
Download today to begin your journey towards building the most efficient farming business possible, and increasing your bottom line!
Benefits and Challenges of Cover Crop Species
Cover crops can vary in their ability to pull up nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Brandt has conducted many tests, focusing on various cover crop species and the amount of N, P and K the plants give off.
This eGuide includes an in-depth description of the pounds of N output, size of roots and the time it takes for the roots to establish for each cover crop species tested by Brandt. You’ll find data gathered during a 5-year trial ran by Brandt and Ohio State University over 20 total fields. Cover crop species included in this eGuide…
- Sweet Clover
- Crimson Clover
- Faba Beans
- Cowpeas
- Sunnhemp
- Hairy Vetch
- Chickling Vetch
- Austrian Winter Pea
- Buckwheat
- Sunflower
- Cereal Rye
- Radish
The Power of Mixing and Matching
Figuring out exactly what cover crops to mix together can be quite the task. But Brandt takes some of the mystery out of the decision by sharing his proven soil-building blends. Brandt also reveals his perfect cover crop concoctions: a 6-way, 10-way, and 14-way blend. This information could accelerate your soil health in ways you have never thought possible!
From this no-till pioneer, LEARN what to mix and what not to mix, skipping the step of randomly trying out mixes that aren’t likely to work for you!
Stop Erosion to Avoid Hurting Your Wallet
Brandt notes that erosion costs can cause a huge loss to your pocketbook, leaving soil free of needed nutrients. Cover crops are beneficial because they have the ability to keep green plants in areas where there would otherwise be no source of plant life. In this eGuide, learn just how much you could save by planting cover crops!
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