Dear No-Till Farmer,
Every grower wants to increase yields because it enhances the bottom line, and nitrogen applications are likely an essential part of your nutrient management strategy.
But like many inputs, nitrogen isn’t CHEAP and the costs can IMPACT your net income. There’s so much already that is out of your control, but controlling inputs is one thing you may be able to control.
There’s also more pressure now than ever to use nitrogen and other nutrients in a way that won’t harm the environment. Most growers don’t want to see this costly investment washing away into local lakes and rivers, either, because it’s wasted money. But how do you stop it?
To provide YOU WITH ESSENTIAL strategies for creating a smarter nitrogen program, we’ve PULLED TOGETHER a series of informative articles on the topic into an eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE FOR YOU AT a time when every dollar counts.
This eGuide breaks down the various aspects of soil management and nitrogen application into easily digestible articles, so you can put this information into action and achieve healthier crops and higher yields.
Managing Nitrogen Like Your Profits Depend On It is a comprehensive guide to understanding how to use this valuable nutrient when making management decisions on your farm. In fact, this Special eGuide is designed to help you learn to:
- Manage Nitrogen in No-Till’s Challenging Environment
- Decide Whether Spring Nitrogen Applications are Better
- Consider Whether Liquid Manure is Suitable for No-Till Fields
- Develop a Successful Program for Anhydrous Applications
- Understand the Differing Roles of Macronutrients and Micronutrients
It’s hard to UNDERESTIMATE the cost of not managing nitrogen applications effectively, and switching to no-till has its own set of implications.
Consider this:
- Modern, high-yielding crops have higher nutrient needs, and failing to manage nitrogen needs properly could result in lower-than-ideal yields. That won’t help YOUR bottom line.
- Changes in tillage can mean more nitrogen IS INITIALLY left unavailable due to a change in nitrogen cycling mechanisms. How will you make it available?
- Volatilization of nitrogen can cost you big time — the nutrient begins to evaporate at temperatures above 60 F unless it’s incorporated. How do you protect YOUR HUGE INVESTMENT IN NITROGEN?
- Denitrification AND SATURATED soils and warm temperatures can result in the worst–case scenario of 80% nitrogen loss. How do you avoid this?
- Nitrate nitrogen moves readily with soil water, causing potential major leaching issues in sandy soils with abundant rain or excessive irrigation. Just 2 inches of water applied to a sandy soil could move nitrate nitrogen to a depth of 3 or 4 feet. How do you keep it WHERE IT CAN HELP the crop?
We understand inputs are expensive and growers need to make the best use of nitrogen. That’s why we put this FREE 76-PAGE eGuide together. Reading these articles will DEFINITELY HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR nitrogen-use efficiency.
No-Till Farmer magazine has been the no-till authority since 1972 and is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge information and techniques to GIVE GROWERS the informational tools to improve the results, and profitability, of their no-till operations. Did you know:
Top 10 Ways for Managing Nitrogen Efficiently
YOU may be able to use already proven nitrogen management practices and tools to increase your no-till nitrogen efficiencies by as much as 70% — all while trimming losses and enhancing the plant uptake of nitrogen!
Here what you can do:
- Reduce volatilization by incorporating nitrogen immediately after application.
- Reduce the effects of nitrate leaching in sandy soils with split applications.
- Use nitrification inhibitors to reduce leaching and denitrification.
- In high-residue no-tilled fields, consider knifing in nitrogen below the carbon-rich zone to REDUCE NUTRIENT TIE-UP.
- Preserve nitrogen value in manure by incorporating it into fields as soon as possible after it leaves the BARN OR FEEDLOT.
- Use urease or nitrification inhibitors to improve nitrogen integrity WITH urea and allow it to be driven to the ammoniacal form.
- Use precise equipment, like single-disc openers and injection systems, for manure and anhydrous ammonia.
- GIVE yourself a 40-pound nitrogen credit when cutting 30- to 60-bushel soybeans ahead of corn.
- Remember that applying 1.2 pounds of nitrogen for EACH bushel of corn is only a rule of thumb and considered excessive by many experts today. Consider how crop rotations and soil organic matter factor into nitrogen requirements.
- Compare the cost of any extra nitrogen NEEDED TO BOOST YIELDS and profit to determine if extra nitrogen MAKES ECONOMIC SENSE.
To get more actionable information about nitrogen management and improve your farm’s profitability, read our FREE eGuide, Managing Nitrogen Like Your Profits Depend On It.
Data compiled and analyzed by the experts
This comprehensive eGuide includes valuable RESEARCH data and expert analysis of:
- Nitrogen vs. yields
- Nitrogen losses due to weather conditions
- Effects of reducing nitrogen applications
- The potential benefits of using liquid manure in no-tilled fields
- Effect of manure application on crop residue breakdown
- Spring applications of UAN to corn vs. fall applications of anhydrous ammonia
That’s the kind of actionable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide — all of the all data presented in clear, straightforward language.
But you also get MUCH more than just data and tables. You’ll gain VALUABLE INSIGHTS into how nitrogen functions in the soil and what can lead to its loss. You’ll get ANSWERS in these vital areas:
- What products can be applied to stabilize nitrogen
- What developments in equipment technology allow you to apply nitrogen more precisely and effectively
- The role split nitrogen applications can play in managing nitrogen losses
- How no-till residue layers can affect nitrogen availability, and what to do about it
For every question you have about nitrogen management, you’ll find an answer that will help you make sound decisions about nutrient management and increase your profitability.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 directive for your farm this year.
More takeaways to get the most from your nitrogen investment this year:
In addition to the wealth of data this in-depth eGuide delivers, it also provides actionable takeaways that you CAN PUT TO IMMEDIATE USE:
- Plants need nitrogen early. In the Midwest, if you’re NO-TILLING CORN at the end of April, the month of May is the most important. You need at least 35 to 70 pounds of nitrate present during the first 40 days following emergence to generate THE MAXIMUM.
- If starter fertilizer or some kind of nitrogen supplementation is not made during the early growth phase, no-tiller corn may not reach ITS FULL YIELD POTENTIAL.
- Nitrogen applied in spring has less time to be lost before being taken up by the plant.
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find ONCE YOU DOWNLOAD THIS FREE eGuide and review it with your cup of morning coffee.
Here are a few more...
- Every day that your soils are saturated, 3%-4% of THE nitrogen in the nitrate form in a field is lost. If you get 10 days of saturated soils, you’ve lost close to all of your nitrogen.
- Leachate moving through tile lines can create significant nitrogen losses in wet weather. One study found during a rainy season the leachate was close to 70 pounds per acre. Though leaching can’t be prevented, it can be limited by not applying surplus nitrogen.
- No-tillers should avoid fall or winter applications of urea because research has found a drop of 30-40 bushels per acre.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Put some of the findings in this survey through your situation, and you’ll be energized with THIS new information and possibilities.
With many variables out of your control, among the things you can control are your management decisions — especially as THEY RELATE to your input costs.
Because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a grower who values efficiency and desires to protect your profitability and income.
If you’ve A VETERAN NO-TILLER, now’s the time to take your operation to another level by reading the actionable information in this eGuide. If you’re new to no-till, this valuable eGuide WILL help you BETTER understand how changes in tillage practices affect nitrogen availability and how you can CAPITALIZE ON ALREADY HAVING MADE THIS DECISION.
Either way, what better way to move forward than with this comprehensive, authoritative — FREE — 76-PAGE eGuide?
- Do you want important information that can help you stay one step ahead of your neighbor?
- Do you want to drive up profits, while still using your most expensive inputs more efficiently?
- Do you want TO DISCOVER NEW tools to help you keep more nitrogen on your farm and out of the local waterways?
Then download this free eGuide right now and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward greater profitability.
Yours for better no-tilling,
John Dobberstein
Senior Editor
No-Till Farmer * Conservation Tillage Guide * Dryland No-Tiller
What new insights did you gain from this eGuide? What jumped out at you?
Share your observations below.