James Tuschner

Joel Reddick
No-Tiller, Bardwell, Ky.

Our 6-Year, ‘All-In’ No-Till Journey

There’s something to be learned every day, with every crop, every year, says Joel Reddick, who farms 2,000 acres of row crops in Bardwell, Ky. After attending the 2018 National No-Tillage Conference, the Reddicks made the switch to no-till, cover crops, planting green and integrating livestock. Reddick, a recipient of the 2022 Leopold Award, makes it a point to find the learning lessons in both the fantastic yields and the disappointing outcomes, and he readily shares warts and all to shorten other no-tillers’ learning curve. You Will Learn: lessons learned in how to ensure both no-till profitability and ecological goals are met.