Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.


Why Growers Are Sold On No-Tilling

These veteran no-tillers offer solid management strategies that have proven profitable in their cropping operations.
When it comes to finding new yield-boosting and cost-cutting no-tilling or direct seeding ideas, nothing beats talking with farmers who've already made these systems work effectively.
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Frank Comments

Balancing Global Resources

Howard Buffett’s new book, “On The Edge: Balancing Earth’s Resources,” offers a unique perspective of the worldwide struggle between feeding a growing population and protecting the world’s biological and natural resources.
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Reduce Costly No-Till Planter Downtime!

New technologies can make no-till corn planting go faster and be more efficient.
Removing the granular insecticide hoppers from your no-till planter could enable you to double the seed carrying capacity and cut those time-consuming refill stops in half.
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More On The Ultra-Narrow Row Corn Controversies

There’s no easy answer, but more farmers are finding benefits to slimming down row widths.
Based on his own experiences and those of other farmers, universities and seed companies who have made direct comparisons of 15- and 30-inch rows, Marion Calmer sees a half dozen major advantages to switching to ultra-narrow row corn.
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Let The “Living Soil” Boost Your No-Till Returns

Use the additional worms, nematodes, bacteria and other microorganisms found in no-tilled fields to expand your profits.
As a no-tiller, Ralph Alshouse recognizes the importance of nurturing the living organisms found in the soil to produce high-yielding crops. An intensive study of many of the soil conditions found in no-till has helped him fully understand what is occurring with the soils in his Corydon, Iowa, no-till corn and soybean operation.
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Is Ripping Necessary With No-Till?

Deep ripping may have a place, but it isn’t the answer to yield concerns due to erosion and compaction in all no-tilled fields.
A recent report from Caterpillar indicates no-till should not be attempted in fields with excessive erosion unless the ground has been deep ripped for at least 2 years.
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Frank Comments

Licensing May Be Coming

Mixing 2 tons of ammonium nitrate with motor oil, Timothy McVeigh produced enough cheap, yet powerful explosive to destroy the Oklahoma City federal building more than 6 years ago. Along with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, these disasters may bring changes in the way you purchase fertilizer for your no-till fields.
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