Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.


Frank Comments

Oil Crisis Won’t Go Away

With growing concerns about worldwide oil supplies, no-tillers have an excellent opportunity to help conserve a considerable amount of fuel. It’s crucial as global oil production should peak between 2005 and 2010 before beginning a long and slow descent.
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Stretch Your Rotations To Make No-Till Even More Effective

This concept pays in more ways than one for no-tillers with livestock.
Mention crop rotations to no-tillers outside the Midwest and chances are good that they’re growing more than two crops. Instead of just going with no-till corn and soybeans, growers who direct seed in the Pacific Northwest include a large number of crops in their no-till rotations.
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Frank Comments

Think About Controlling Traffic

If next spring’s planting season turns wet, Randall Reeder says no-tillers who use controlled traffic may be ahead of their neighbors. The Ohio State University agricultural engineer says it might let you no-till quicker despite wet conditions that normally delay planting.
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25 Essential Reasons To Be In Indy!

The early-January National No-Tillage Conference features 54 no-till experts and 125 hours of non-stop no-till learning guaranteed to provide you with highly valuable cost-cutting cropping ideas.
With plenty of tough cropping decisions to be made before spring, every idea that you can use to no-till more efficiently is definitely worth finding.
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Check New Ideas For Boosting No-Till Performance

These two attachments may help you boost emergence under tough no-till conditions.
If you’re looking for new ways to improve no-till seeding performance, check out the new Thompson closing wheel from Exapta Solutions. The company’s officials indicate this closing wheel offers superb furrow closing, ultra-low mud adhesion and unmatched durability when no-tilling.
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Rodent-Proof Your No-Tilled Crops

Everyone who attends the National No-Tillage Conference can receive FREE positive placement metering kits for applying both granular insecticides and rodenticides that’s worth $50 for every row on your no-till planter.
If you’re no-tilling with an 8-row planter, you’ll be able to obtain a set of FREE positive placement metering kits (PPK) worth $400 at the early January National No-Tillage Conference. That’s because United Ag Products (UAP) is offering these kits that retail at $50 per row FREE to every attendee for controlling costly rodents.
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Frank Comments

Let No-Till Reduce Compaction

Rather than causing major compaction concerns, Lloyd Murdock credits long-term no-till with being able to solve many of your more troublesome soil worries. That’s what the University of Kentucky soil scientist learned from a recent 5-year study that looked at no-till and soil compaction as reported in a recent Soybean Digest article.
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Get Solid Answers About No-Till Soil Microbiology and Fertility Concerns

Two world-renown authorities will offer solid answers to many things happening in your no-till fields that you haven’t been able to explain, which are critical in managing the long-range productivity of your no-tilled soils.
By providing a much better understanding on why your no-till soils function like they do, just listening to Jill Clapperton and Dean Martens will make it worth your cost and time to attend the 11th annual National No-Tillage Conference being held Jan. 8 to 11, 2003, in Indianapolis, Ind.
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