Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.


The Winners Were...

Several National No-Tillage Conference attendees took home more than just brand new no-tilling ideas.
BESIDES PICKING UP plenty of new ideas from the program and if networking with almost 650 fellow attendees wasn’t enough, some folks at the 13th annual National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, went home with a number of extremely valuable, big-time prizes.
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Frank Comments

No-Till Pioneer Passes On

Back in 1962, Harry Young Jr., began experimenting with no-till on 7/t0s acre on his Herndon, Ky., farm. It led him to eventually no-till 1,800 acres of crops each year from only 1,200 acres with doublecropping. Teaming up with University of Kentucky agronomist Shirley Phillips, Young quickly demonstrated the many benefits of no-till.
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49 Highly Powerful No-Tilling Ideas

Four veteran no-tillers offer valuable tips to help you no-till more efficiently and profitably this year.
With plenty of unique experiences, four veteran no-tillers shared lots of valuable tips, tricks and techniques that you can put to good use. They were part of a panel that shared ideas with attendees at the 13th annual National No-Tillage Conference held in January in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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More Chemical Options Available For No-Till Corn

Manufacturers continue to evolve and expand their product offerings to control weeds and diseases, and suggest steps to avoid glyphosate resistance.
No-tillers can choose from a number of corn herbicides and fungicides that have become available since the last growing season. The new products for this year, listed by manufacturer, include:<
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Frank Comments

Buy High-Fertility Land

With no-tillers earning higher per-acre returns than farmers still relying on extensive tillage, many are looking for more land to farm. That’s why you’ll find the results of a recent survey of land prices based on fertility levels to be of special interest because of your no-till experiences.
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Try These Proven No-Till Residue Management Tricks

Regardless of where you farm or the crops you grow, study these solid residue management lessons from no-tillers growing high-yielding grain crops.
Just because you concentrate on no-tilling corn, soybeans or another crop doesn’t mean you can’t pick up plenty of yield-building residue management tricks from other growers. To do a better job of managing residues, check out how these eight Pacific Northwest and western Canadian growers go about managing residues for top profit.
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Bin-Busting No-Till Soybean Yields Coming

With perfect weather and the right management package, you could break the 100-bushel no-till soybean barrier.
If you’ve already harvested 70-bushel no-till soybean yields and think you’ve hit a yield plateau, Palle Pedersen says, it’s time to rethink the situation. In fact, the soybean specialist at Iowa State University maintains 100-bushel soybean yields aren’t out of the question.
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Spraying Late Is Costly

You’ll sometimes have less than a day to make a timely herbicide application — at a time when it may interfere with other essential no-till work.
When it comes to effective weed control, timing is always critical. But it is particularly important when you are using a total post program since dead weeds with late spraying can still trim your yields.
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Frank Comments

Get After Those Rodents

While driving along Interstate 39 from Bloomington to Rockford, Ill., last fall, John Pickle Jr. conducted a windshield survey based on looking at the four outside rows in corn fields that were running parallel to the highway. His quick and easy visual survey indicated that 60 percent of the corn fields had rodent damage.
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