Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.


Frank Comments

No-Till Not Phosphorus Culprit

As increased levels of dissolved phosphorus are identified as a major concern dealing with the increased algal blooms found in Lake Erie, some folks have been pointing a finger at no-till as the cause. Yet the facts regarding phosphorus runoff in the Western Lake Erie Basin watershed near Toledo, Ohio, don't back up that argument.
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No-Till Turns Out Top Yields While Slashing Costs

Feeding crops the right amount of nutrients at the best possible time pays big dividends while protecting the environment for this Virginia family.
The Hula family no-tills 5,000 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, barley and oats in four counties surrounding Charles City, Va. The 100% no-till operation is located along the banks of the James River, which flows into Chesapeake Bay where nitrogen runoff is becoming a major concern.
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Frank Comments

70 Times Less No-Till Runoff

Winter wheat is the main crop in the Pacific Northwest and growers normally seed around 2.2 million acres every fall. Yet year after year, an average of anywhere from 1.3 to 22.3 tons of silt loam soil erodes from every acre that is in wheat production.
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Frank Comments

Cover Crop Insurance Issues

With more no-tillers interested in cashing in on cover crops to boost yields, slash fertilizer costs and curb soil erosion, everyone needs to understand the ramifications of qualifying for crop insurance. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a substantial yield loss claim that ends up being denied.
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Cashing In On No-Till

Custom seeding and direct payments are helping growers give new systems a try.
When it comes to serving a specific cropping niche, few folks work with one that’s any narrower than Dale Kopf. The Genesee, Idaho, custom seeder is offering strictly no-till seeding in the Pacific Northwest, where the system is also known as direct-seeding.
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Frank Comments

Cover Crop Insurance Issues

With more no-tillers interested in cashing in on cover crops to boost yields, slash fertilizer costs and curb soil erosion, everyone needs to understand the ramifications of qualifying for crop insurance. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a substantial yield loss claim that ends up being denied.
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Frank Comments

Say Thanks To The Neighbors

Widespread planting of genetically modified Bt corn in the upper Midwest has significantly reduced losses from European corn borer damage. Even growers that don’t plant transgenic corn have benefitted from neighboring use of these products.
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Frank Comments

Say Thanks To The Neighbors

Widespread planting of genetically modified Bt corn in the upper Midwest has significantly reduced losses from European corn borer damage. Even growers that don’t plant transgenic corn have benefitted from neighboring use of these products.
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Costly Cover Crop Mistakes To Avoid

No-tillers must make careful decisions on what to seed, and when to seed, to succeed with cover crops, experts say.
One of the most neglected aspects of no-tillage seems to be the proper use of cover crops. Unfortunately, many farmers simply take this part of the total program for granted and unnecessary mistakes are often made.
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