Articles by Frank Lessiter

Frank Comments

Manage Your No-Till Stubble

Saskatchewan farmers recognize the value of leaving direct seeded crop stubble standing, since it traps more snow than cut or chopped stubble. It’s especially important in western Canada where as much as one-third of the annual precipitation can come from winter snows, says Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association agrologist Tim Nerbas.
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Frank Comments

No-Till Management Matters

When it comes to recognizing the biggest breakthroughs in no-till, Keith Kemp says it has been an increase in soil organic matter, new hybrids and varieties, improved herbicides, decreased production costs and the use of several valuable seeding accessories.
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Get After Those Troublesome No-Till Corn Insects!

A review of proven insect-control measures offers new ideas for combatting no-till pests.
Additional uses for several older products may let you do a better job of controlling insects in your no-tilled corn this summer. Here's what company reps had to say about getting more effective insect control in no-tilled corn at this year's National No-Tillage Conference.
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Find New Weed Solutions For No-Tilled Soybeans

Check these unique ideas for more effectively using previously available no-till soybean herbicides.
Despite a lack of new herbicides coming on the market this year for no-till soybean weed control, attendees at the 10th annual National No-Tillage Conference still picked up a number of valuable weed-control ideas.
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Once Again, Plenty of Great Cropping Ideas Found At No-Tillage Conference

Celebrating its 10th year, the National No-Tillage Conference again delivered plenty of valuable cropping ideas from 55 speakers and networking with attendees in the hotel hallways.
Despite safety concerns since the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania, the 10th annual National No-Tillage Conference attracted 682 attendees to St. Louis, Mo.
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Frank Comments

Argentina No-Tillers Benefit

When it comes to no-tilling Roundup Ready soybeans, your competitors in Argentina have a distinct advantage due to lower seed prices. The inability to enforce intellectual property rights has given that nation’s bean producers a comparative advantage.
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New Ideas For Tackling No-Till Corn Weeds

With fewer new corn herbicides being introduced this year, check out these fresh ideas for attacking weeds from the mid-winter National No-Tillage Conference.
Some new herbicides received late Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration while other products were only test marketed in a few Midwestern states last year by manufacturers. As a result, there’s not a large number of new herbicides for controlling weeds in no-tilled corn this year.
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