Articles by Frank Lessiter

Hit Weeds Early When No-Tilling

You can’t expect many single-product weed-control programs to get the entire job done.
If you're interested in harvesting top yields with Roundup Ready no-till corn and soybeans, it’s likely that you’ll have to add residual herbicides to the weed-control mix.
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New “Green Line” Seeding Era Emerges

John Deere recently introduced a number of new no-till planters, drills and air drills.
Several revolutionary seed delivery systems and row units are among numerous new technology developments in John Deere’s new line of seeding equipment. The result will help no-tillers seed more accurately and much faster.
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An Exciting 30 Years!

This November issue represents the 30th anniversary of when the first copy of No-Till Farmer went in the mail. Since 1972, we’ve seen tremendous no-till growth along with many exciting, new technologies that have made this reduced tillage practice work on your farm.
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“Rotations Are The Real Key!”

Despite cold winter temperatures and a short growing season, combining fall seeding with direct seeding is paying dividends.
Craig Shaw farms so far north that many people believe that fall-seeded crops won’t survive because of the cold winter temperatures. But thanks to the many benefits of direct seeding, the Lacombe, Alberta, grower is definitely making fall seeding work.
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Let Carbon Boost Returns

When it comes to cashing in on carbon sequestration, no-tillers are way ahead of the game. Even though there are many methods of reducing carbon dioxide emissions — such as increasing efficiency in automobiles and industry, or developing cleaner energy sources with solar and wind power — the possibilities of no-till are becoming more widely recognized.
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