Articles by Frank Lessiter

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New Control For Nematodes

Over the past few years, numerous benefits have been demonstrated for seeding annual ryegrass as a cover crop in a no-till system. However, another exciting benefit may be the use of this cover crop as an alternative method for controlling soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), which can cost a no-tiller as much as 15 bushels per acre in lost soybean yields.
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Getting No-Till Soybean Pests Under Control

No-tillers are looking for the latest technology to help push up soybean yields.
With an emphasis on growing fewer soybean acres due to this year's move toward more continuous corn, no-tillers are looking for new ways to boost soybean yields. And attendees at last winter's 15th annual National No-Tillage Conference learned that a number of new pesticide developments can definitely help in the control of insects, diseases and weeds.
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Frank Comments

New Pesticide Solutions To New Concerns

With an anticipated surge of continuous corn acres in 2007, many no-tillers are anticipating more problems with weeds, insects and diseases. There’s also a growing concern about weed resistance problems with increased use of glyphosate-tolerant corn hybrids.
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With Pesticide Management, Effective Application Is Critical

Spraying equipment is getting more attention than ever from no-tillers.
Now that most no-tillers have pretty much mastered the chemical side of pesticide management, they’re paying more attention to application costs, timeliness and equipment selection. This means more no-tillers will be doing more of their own pesticide applications in the future.
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Frank Comments

New Pesticide Solutions To New Concerns

Management strategies for disease, weed and insect control are becoming more critical with no-tilled corn.
With an anticipated surge of continuous corn acres in 2007, many no-tillers are anticipating more problems with weeds, insects and diseases. There’s also a growing concern about weed resistance problems with increased use of glyphosate-tolerant corn hybrids.
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Hit Those Weeds Early

Early-season weed competition may be one of the biggest contributors to unseen yield losses in herbicide-tolerant corn.
To harvest the highest possible corn yields with conservation tillage, weed scientists maintain early weed control is essential. Weeds that emerge at the same time as corn plants are much more competitive with a growing crop than later-emerging weeds.
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Where Will We Steal More Acres For Corn?

Even if the current ethanol demand cools, growing export demand will fuel the move to more continuous corn acres.
While ethanol is the shining star behind expanding corn production, not everyone believes the long-range outlook is good for filling a huge amount of U.S. oil needs with crop-based energy. But if the ethanol demand cools off, increased export demand will certainly pick up the slack and solidify the demand for still more corn acres.
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