Articles by Frank Lessiter

Frank Comments

A Different Look At Carbon

While no-tilled crops are widely considered to be among the best ways to sequester carbon, the actual amounts may actually be tied to soil type, soil drainage and soil depth.
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Wanted: No-Till Soil Samples

No-Till Farmer readers can be part of a unique research project that will lead to a FREE soil analysis and offer new insights into developing more valuable soil properties with no-till.
When three Ohio State University educators spoke about soil properties and structure at last winter’s National No-Tillage Conference, they asked attendees to help them take a closer look at the many changes occurring with less tillage.
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Frank Comments

Should You No-Till Sod Ground?

If high grain prices have you thinking about shifting Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pasture or hay ground back into more lucrative crop production, don’t think you have to revert to tillage to make the transition.
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Frank Comments

More Continuous Corn Coming

While rising commodity prices may have led to recent changes in this spring’s cropping plans, a No-Till Farmer survey of growers last fall supported a significant increase in continuous corn acres this year.
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Frank Comments

Combating Skyrocketing Costs

Nobody has to explain why keeping costs under control should be a major priority during the coming growing season. With prices of everything from seed to fertilizer to pesticides to equipment on the upswing, it’s critical to do everything possible to keep your costs in line.
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