Articles by Frank Lessiter

No Magic Formula for No-Till Success

Concentrating on 10 basic ideas while trimming back acres has helped veteran no-tiller Mike Wolpert enjoy more time with his family.

WHILE NO-TILLING for more than two decades, Mike Wolpert has pulled together a number of basic success strategies.

The Hurricane, W. Va., grower started farming with conventional tillage in a partnership arrangement in 1974. The operation took a major financial hit during the 1980s’ “Farm Crisis” due to poor cash flow, expansion at the wrong time, 3 years of low yields due to the weather and low commodity prices.

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Frank Comments

Grazing, Haying Adds Value

A RECENT No-Till Farmer poll shows 19% of respondents growing cover crops are grazing livestock on at least a portion of their acres. While there are many benefits for utilizing cover crops in a no-till rotation, these farmers are turning these forages into added profits.
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Frank Comments

Lots of Worries at Monsanto

A proposed sale to Bayer, antitrust concerns, stockholder value, worries over future use of Roundup in Europe and a failure to be paid for GMO traits by farmers in India and Argentina are major concerns facing executives these days at Monsanto’s headquarters in St. Louis. Unfortunately, few of these situations appear favorable to American farmers who are concerned that the proposed ag chemical company mergers will lead to even higher crop input prices.
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From the Desk of Frank Lessiter

Monsanto Has More to Worry About Than Just a Bayer Buyout

Along with the potential sale to Bayer, there are a number of other major worries sitting on the desks of Monsanto executives these days that can impact no-tillers.
Along with the potential sale to Bayer, there are a number of other major worries sitting on the desks of Monsanto executives these days that can impact no-tillers.
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Frank Comments

Keep Your No-Till “Cool”

Leaving Residue on the surface to keep the soil from getting so hot that it seriously impacts plant growth is among the benefits of no-tilling. Along these lines, there’s some interesting research being done at Montana State University that demonstrates how cooler soils not only lead to higher yields, but also reduce the need for fallowing fields to conserve moisture and favorably impact climate change.
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Progress has Certainly Been Made in Overcoming Cover Crop Concerns with Crop Insurance, but There’s Still a Need for Rule Change Refinements

Over the last half dozen years, the No-Till Farmer editors have written extensively about cover crop concerns leading to disastrous results with crop insurance rules. With the many benefits of no-till and cover crops, we certainly don’t want to see growers losing crop insurance coverage because of significant differences in rule interpretation among government and crop insurance staffers.
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Frank Comments

No-Tillers Against Syngenta Sale

RESULTS OF A recently conducted No-Till Farmer survey indicate growers are not happy with the sale of Syngenta to a state-owned Chinese company. While most growers didn’t favor a Monsanto buyout of Syngenta last summer, they’d have preferred that deal.
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Frank Comments

No-Tillers Ahead of the Pack

A FEW MONTHS ago, Gary Schnitkey urged growers to find ways to trim $100 per acre from the costs of growing corn in 2016. The University of Illinois ag economist’s reasoning is that Midwestern growers need to reduce cropping costs to offset lower corn prices this year.
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Frank Comments

With Deere's Recent Purchase of Precision Planting, No-Tillers Concerned About Keeping Cropping Data Confidential

When Monsanto purchased the Precision Planting operation from central Illinois farmer Gregg Sauder in 2012, No-Till Farmer editors asked readers about their concerns with sharing electronically generated on-farm crop data. While six out of every 10 growers surveyed at that time were concerned about sharing their cropping data with suppliers, these worries have become worse with Deere’s recent purchase of Precision Planting’s hardware and technology from Monsanto.
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