No-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Using Regenerative Agriculture to Revive Your No-Till System

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast series, brought to you by Yetter Mfg. Co., we welcome Gabe Brown, a veteran no-tiller and the owner of Brown’s Ranch in Bismarck, N.D. Gabe shares his no-till journey, where he developed a management system that positively impacted soil biology and allowed nature to help his farm thrive.

March 21, 2018
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If anybody epitomizes the word sustainability, it might be Gabe Brown. Switching to no-till in the mid-1990s, Brown endured several years of crop failures due to hail and drought, but it may have been the best thing to happen to him.

He quickly saw positive changes occurring to his soil as a result of the residue breaking down from those failed crops.

Today, Gabe, his son Paul, and wife Shelly, manage 5,000 acres, including 1,000 acres of cropland and 4,000 acres of perennial grazing land.

With 400 to 800 head of beef cattle, 150 ewes, pastured hogs, honey, vegetables, fruit trees and crops like corn, oats, hairy vetch, peas, triticale, spring wheat, sunflowers, along with cover crops, Brown Ranch is the picture of regenerative agriculture.

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast series, brought to you by Yetter Mfg. Co.,  Gabe describes his no-till journey and the events that influenced him to develop a management system that positively impacted soil biology and allowed nature to help his farm thrive.







Yetter Farm Equipment

No-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment.

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Yetter Farm Equipment has been providing farmers with residue management, fertilizer placement, and seedbed preparation solutions since 1930. Today, Yetter equipment is your answer for success in the face of ever-changing production agriculture challenges. Yetter offers a full lineup of planter attachments designed to perform in varying planting conditions, multiple options for precision fertilizer placement, strip-till units, and stalk rollers for your combine. Yetter products maximize your inputs, save you time, and deliver return on your investment. Visit them at

Intro Music: Adam Selzer - True North

Interlude Music: Alialujah Choir - Little Picture (Instrumental)

Bruggink darrell

Darrell Bruggink

Former Executive Editor/Publisher