Fertilizer & Soil Amendments Product Roundup 2016
Check out the latest fertilizer and soil amendments from some of the industry's leading suppliers.
The Andersons PureGrade Liquid Starter Fertilizer
The Andersons PureGrade brand is a complete line of in-furrow and foliar liquid fertilizers providing both primary and micronutrients designed to correct nutrient deficiencies and revitalize stressed crops. As growers look to increase yields on every available acre, PureGrade Liquid Fertilizers are proven to be one of the most cost-effective ways to increase return on investment per acre. A properly crafted fertility program leads to the success of your crop today, tomorrow and in the future. Including PureGrade Liquid Fertilizers in your program will ensure your crop has the nutrients to reach its full potential.
Click here for more information.
The Andersons MicroSolutions
The Andersons MicroSolutions brand is a versatile line of liquid micronutrients and micronutrient blends designed to efficiently correct nutrient deficiencies during various growth and reproductive stages. MicroSolutions offers growers the flexibility to apply fully or partially chelated micronutrients, as well as ammoniated and water-soluble micronutrients. MicroSolutions are compatible with different types of fertilizers, many herbicides and insecticides. These high-efficiency products are versatile, easy to handle and offer superior uptake.
Click here for more information.
Chandler Soil from Midwest Bio-Tech, Inc.
Chandler Soil improves soil tilth, reduces compaction and enhances nutrient availability. The product contains micronutrients, enzymes and other natural organic compounds that multiply the growth and metabolism of beneficial soil microbes. Chandler Soil may be broadcast directly on the soil or it may be placed in the seed row with liquid starter fertilizers. Tillage is not required, and the product may be used on hay fields, pastures and no-till cropland. Chandler Soil is nontoxic when used as recommended and may be applied in a tankmix with most liquid fertilizers or pesticides for a one-pass application.
Click here for more information.
Extract Powered by Accomplish
Extract Powered by Accomplish combines the concentrated biochemistry of Accomplish® LM with ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) to help growers access the full nutrient value of their crop residues. When applied on crop residues, the Accomplish LM biochemistry in Extract PBA accelerates residue decomposition and speeds nutrient release, while ATS promotes an optimal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio to enhance soil microbial activity, further expediting nutrient return to the soil profile.
Click here for more information.
Sure Crop Z/Micro
Sure Crop Z/Micro is a concentration of fermented nutrients to help stimulate germination and improve nutrient uptake. Sure Crop Z/Micro helps crops obtain their genetic potential while activating beneficial soil microorganisims and providing better nitrogen utilization. Sure Crop Z/Micro is recommended as a supplementary source of plant nutrients to be added to a total crop fertility program. Sure Crop Z/Micro improves crop vigor and soil tilth, as well as decomposes crop residues from the previous year’s crop. Sure Crop Z/Micro can help increase yields, improve test weights and increase feed market value.
Click here for more information or call 800-635-4743.
GYPSOIL™ Brand Gypsum
GYPSOIL™ brand gypsum is a cost-effective tool to improve soil conditions and add valuable nutrients. GYPSOIL (CaSO4 - 2H2O) is an excellent source of sulfate sulfur and calcium. Calcium helps flocculate soil particles and improves water and air movement in soils. To add calcium to your soils without altering pH, GYPSOIL is the ideal option. In 2015, the national NRCS added gypsum to its list of conservation practice standards to improve soil physical properties and water infiltration, reduce dissolved phosphorus concentrations in runoff and subsurface drainage, mitigate subsoil aluminum toxicity and reduce the potential for transport of pathogens and other contaminants.
Click here for more information.
AgroLiquid Micro500
An excess of one nutrient can cause reduced uptake of another. An excess of potassium, for example, may compete with desirable levels of magnesium uptake. In fields with marginal or low zinc levels, a heavy application of phosphorus may induce a zinc deficiency in soil. Excess iron may cause a manganese deficiency. Micro500’s synergy of zinc, manganese, iron, boron, and copper compensates for most micronutrient deficiencies, providing yield benefits to most every crop. Applications at planting, at foliar or through irrigation all produce excellent results. This product readily mixes with other AgroLiquid fertilizers.
Click here for more information.
NACHURS imPulse®
NACHURS imPulse® is a 100% orthophosphate product that contains Bio-K® technology, an innovative potassium technology. It can be used in-furrow and/or foliar on multiple crops, making this product very flexible. The quality of raw materials used to formulate NACHURS imPulse® liquid fertilizer maximizes plant nutrient solubility, minimizes salt index and equipment corrosion, allows good cold weather storage and is plant safe at recommended rates. Unlike other forms of potassium, Bio-K® is a natural plant metabolite that provides the most efficient nutrient uptake. Using Bio-K® technology results in quicker germination, improved root development and an elevated abiotic stress tolerance, leading to better plant establishment, more vigorous growth and higher yields.
Click here for more information.
Rhyzo-Link® 3-10-13
Rhyzo-Link® 3-10-13 is the only fertilizer on the market that contains four unique features: 100% orthophosphate, Bio-K® technology, Rhyzo-Link® technology and sulfur. It can be used in-furrow and/or foliar on multiple crops making this product very flexible. Rhyzo-Link® 3-10-13 with PowerBlend™ Technology is manufactured with the highest quality raw materials, which once applied to the rhizosphere and/or phyllosphere and absorbed by the plant, helps to promote a healthy plant with a more pronounced root system. Ultimately, this helps to improve crop yield and productivity. 100% of the phosphate is present in the orthophosphate form, which is immediately available for plant absorption and incorporation into metabolic processes.
Click here for more information.
L-CBF BOOST™ 4-0-3-2S is a carbon-based molasses fertilizer designed to improve the efficiency and performance of your liquid program. Manufactured by Quality Liquid Feeds Agronomy, BOOST helps stimulate soil biology in early spring and cycle nutrients in the soil. When added to other liquids and sprays, BOOST can reduce losses to drift and help prevent plant burn often caused by UAN applications. BOOST can be applied to corn, soybeans, alfalfa and small grains, and is compatible with most other liquid products.
Click here for more information.
Nu-Trax P+™
Nu-Trax P+™ with CropStart™ Technology puts you in charge of delivering the nutrition your crops need for a strong start. It features an ideal blend of phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients essential for early season growth. With patented EvenCoat™ Technology, Nu-Trax P+ is coated onto your spring-applied dry fertilizer blend by your retailer. And with blanket-like distribution across the field, Nu-Trax P+ is placed close to young plant roots where they can access the nutrients earlier, especially in cold and wet soils common to no-till fields.
Click here for more information.
AVAIL® Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer
The patented polymer technology in AVAIL® Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer reduces fixation of applied phosphorus in the soil and keeps more of this vital nutrient available for plant uptake. More available phosphorus leads to healthier crops and stronger yield potential, which add up to a greater return on your phosphorus fertilizer investment. AVAIL is currently being used by farmers across more than 59 million acres of U.S. soil and can be applied with liquid or granular fertilizers. AVAIL enhances phosphorus efficiency and delivers optimal nutrient availability. Important: Always read and follow label use directions. AVAIL is a registered trademark of Verdesian Life Sciences. © 2016 Verdesian Life Sciences. All rights reserved.
Click here for more information.
Take Off®
Take Off® is a revolutionary nitrogen management technology that accelerates nutrient uptake. Unlike other products that work with nutrients in the soil, Take Off works inside the plant by increasing carbon fixation and metabolism to stimulate nitrogen uptake. This process results in quicker establishment, healthier plants and greater yield potential. Proven through research on a diverse range of crops, Take Off fuels faster plant growth and triggers the plant’s ability to capture more nutrients. Take Off can be applied as a seed treatment or with common post-emergence herbicide, insecticide or fungicide foliar applications. Important: Always read and follow label use directions. Take Off is a registered trademark of Verdesian Life Sciences. © 2016 Verdesian Life Sciences. All rights reserved.
Click here for more information.
SC27 Soil Microbes — New Era In Inoculation
It is said that a grower's roots will tell them more about yield capabilities and soil health than a consultant ever could. SC27 soil microbes have been tested and proven by seven top agricultural universities to increase root biomass by up to 400% in under 30 days. But more importantly, those large roots will remain completely white for the duration of the crop cycle. This impressive visual variance is an industry first and is achieved with nothing more than 50 proprietary strains of soil microbes. These desert region microbe strains only need water to grow for an entire crop cycle. 95% of growers who trail SC27 soil microbes make a purchase for more acreage after only 30 days. Is your soil ready for biodiversity?