No-Till Farmer

1,072 No-Tillers Fill Indy Marriott; Registration Opens for 25th NNTC in St. Louis

January 11, 2016

The 2016 National No-Tillage Conference wrapped up with a total unofficial attendance of 1,072, making the Indianapolis event at the Downtown Marriott the second-highest-attended conference of all time behind the 1,153 that participated in Indianapolis in 2013. The National No-Tillage Conference staff thanks attendees and sponsors for their support of no-till and the numerous compliments and encouragements that were received.

Already, attendees can reserve their place at the 25th anniversary event to be held in St. Louis, Mo., from Jan. 10-13, 2017, at the Hilton at the Ballpark Hotel.

  • The Early Bird rate of $284 is available until August 31 – that’s a $85.00 savings off the full registration rate. You can register online, call our office at (866) 839-8455 or download a registration form, complete it and fax or mail it back with payment.
  • You can reserve your hotel room online or call (877) 845-7354 to make room reservations. Make sure to mention the National No-Tillage Conference to get the special discounted rate of $102 per night.

New Format for 2017!

NNTC 2017

The January 10-13 event falls on a Tuesday through Friday rather than the traditional Wednesday through Saturday. This change is a result of feedback from conference attendees through surveys conducted the past 3 years.

Here’s a tentative schedule for the Silver Anniversary event:

Tuesday – Travel Day for attendees with possible Members-Only Workshop or ag tours on Tuesday afternoon and the popular NNTC Welcome Reception on Tuesday night from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Wednesday – Opening kickoff at approximately 9 a.m. with educational sessions throughout the day and into the evening.

Thursday – Event’s buffet-style breakfast and evening Dinner Banquet to be held this day.

Friday – Event’s annual Luncheon to be held this day with event’s closing session to conclude at approx. 12:25 p.m. This provides an opportunity for attendees to return home for weekend activities or enjoy the sights and activities in St. Louis Friday evening and Saturday before returning home.

For more information or to make your reservations over the phone, call (866) 839-8455 or (262) 432-0388.