No-Till Farmer

EPA Sets Tolerances for DuPont's Herbicide-Tolerant Sorghum Trait

November 11, 2015

Nov. 10, 2015 — DuPont Crop Protection obtained the establishment of tolerances by the U.S. EPA that will facilitate the use of herbicides containing nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron on sorghum varieties containing the DuPont Inzen herbicide-tolerance sorghum trait.

Pending EPA approval of product registrations, sorghum growers will soon be able to apply proven herbicides containing active ingredients that will deliver postemergence control of yield-limiting grasses.

“Nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron will provide excellent control of annual grasses that deplete grain sorghum yields by as much as 20 percent,” says James Hay, regional director, North America DuPont Crop Protection. “Being able to grow sorghum without worrying about grass weed competition will be a real advantage for growers planting in arid regions.”

Field trials on sorghum varieties containing the non-GMO Inzen herbicide-tolerance trait show these active ingredients provide effective control of crabgrass, barnyardgrass, signalgrass and panicum and other grass weeds. Nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron should not be used on sorghum that does not contain the Inzen herbicide-tolerance sorghum trait, since severe crop injury will occur.

“Growers will soon have the opportunity to achieve a better crop, yield and profit,” said Hay. “With the stewardship training that will be provided, growers can help ensure that this technology is available to support sorghum yield for many years to come.”

These herbicides also will offer outstanding crop rotation and recropping flexibility. They can be tank-mixed with other herbicides, insecticides and fungicides registered for use on sorghum. And they will provide an alternate mode of action that will aid in reducing glyphosate resistance and will control labeled grasses that are glyphosate-resistant.

Seed companies Advanta US and DuPont Pioneer are engaged in commercializing the Inzen herbicide-tolerance sorghum trait.