FMC Launches Ethos XB Insecticide/Fungicide
FMC is launching Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide, an integrated in-furrow product for insect and disease control.
Formulated with the patented Liquid Fertilizer Ready technology from FMC, Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide combines the at-plant insecticide active ingredient in Capture LFR with a broad-spectrum preventive biofungicide, making it the first corn biopesticide offering from FMC.
The product offers the broadest spectrum of corn seedling defense against soil pests and diseases, protecting seedlings from corn rootworm, wireworms, grubs, seed corn maggots, cutworms and common stalk borers. The new biological fungicide in Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide aids in control of Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia.
“The Ethos XB product provides early, integrated protection to create an environment where seedlings emerge more uniformly and with the vigor to optimize productivity,” says Rick Ekins, fungicide and insecticide portfolio manager for FMC. “As growers push for maximum yields, they are increasing plant populations and planting earlier under more adverse conditions. Our job is to help them protect every seedling with the most convenient and broadest spectrum insect and disease control.”
Biological Fungicide Confers Longer Protection
Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide contains a specific strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, a naturally occurring organism with fungicidal properties. Used in-furrow, Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide complements seed treatments by extending protection beyond the critical time when most of the problematic soil pests and soil pathogens threaten yields.
Beneficial rhizobacteria rapidly colonize root surfaces, building a defensive barrier to infection from fungi and pathogens. Root colonization continues as long as roots are actively growing, extending disease protection well beyond typical seed treatment protection. It also produces antimicrobial metabolites that kill pathogenic fungi and bacteria by destroying cell membranes and walls.
Corn Plant Stand Assurance Program
The extended early protection of Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide pays off in more uniform stands leading to higher yields. University research shows plant stand uniformity can greatly impact corn yields. FMC is so confident of this product’s ability to protect the stand that it is offering a Corn Plant Stand Assurance Program. If Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide at planting time does not show a stand increase of 1,000 plants per acre compared to the untreated check, FMC will return the plant stand count difference up to the product cost or re-treat with an FMC product where applicable.
“Growers spend a lot of money on seed and they expect a vigorous stand. We are confident that Ethos XB insecticide/fungicide will not only increase stand, but provide every emerged seedling the opportunity to become a productive plant,” Ekins says.